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Workout 2 - Back Squat Strength

Back Squat - 5 x 5

*Rest 2-4min between sets

General Warm Up (5-10min)

3-5 min of light cardio of choice, then...

3 Rounds

5 Squats with pause at the bottom

20 Jumping Jacks

Specific Warm Up (10-20min)

  • Then get in one set of 10 Empty Bar Squats (shoes off, if possible)

  • Then get in one set of Empty Bar Squats (shoes on) using the rep count of the day.

  • After this, you should take time to work up to your working weight for the day.


Gym Version:

Back Squat - 5 x 5 (Translation: 5 sets of 5 reps)

*Rest 2-4min between sets

At Home Version:

The following is meant to be completed as one long continuous set, holding double dumbbells for some or for the entirety of the set. (See video for demonstration)

5 ROUNDS of Squat Complex #1

5 Squats with :03 down

6 Reverse Lunges (3 Each Leg)

5 Squats (Regular Tempo)

*Rest 2-3min between rounds

Coach’s Notes:

  • The goal of the day is to challenge the legs and core! Although this workout got me VERY out of breath by the end of every working set, this is a STRENGTH DAY. There will be ~1 of these per week where we focus on maximal power and getting strong and functional. It is NOT a “burpee-till-you-puke” kind of a day : )

  • Be aware that, especially for newer/out of practice athletes, these types of workouts can feel pretty nonchalant in the moment, but then in the next two days you get really sore. Always err on the side of caution with your reps and weights. “Train to train another day” I always say!

If you’ve pushed yourself properly today, your lower body should be feeling pretty noodly by now! If you feel like you’re done for the day, get on outta here! You crushed it!

If you feel like you have some more in the tank AND you have the time for it, continue on with some of the following gymnastics work and/or stretching…

Gymnastics Accessories

Option 1: Practice your inversions. This can be anything from holding a handstand against a wall for 3 x 1:00 to just practicing kicking up to holding the downward facing dog position. If you have any reason to suspect that inversions are not right for you (pregnancy, medications, fear) then you should go with option 2!

Option 2: Accumulate 2-3min of Front Plank in as few sets as possible.

Cool Down

Hold the following stretches for 1-2min on each side:

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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