20:00 AMRAP
400m Run
1:00 Rest
20 Cal Bike
1:00 Rest
General Warm Up
Begin with the full Joint Rotation Warm Up, then put in your 3-5min of Cardio of Choice. Then…
5 PVC Overhead Squats (add a pause at the bottom of each rep)
10-15 Hollow Rocks
10 Arch Ups with a hold at the top (carefully!)
20 Mt. Climbers
Specific Warm Up
For each cardio movement today (even if you modify, you should still have two) perform 1:00 at a moderate pace, then rest. Perform :30 at a hot pace, then rest. Perform :10 - :15 at an extremely hot pace, then recover. Once you are recovered, it’s go time!
Workout of the Day
20:00 AMRAP
400m Run
1:00 Rest
20 Cal Bike
1:00 Rest
Workout Notes/Modifications
Intervals! Ew! My least favorite! But so, so good for us so we gotta do ’em! The entire point of interval work is to very purposely take our heart rates way up, and then let them recover. Up and down, up and down. It’s uncomfortable and hard, but it’s truly essential for heart health!
Ideally for this workout, you’d be able to both run and bike. If you can, you’ll run a 400m interval (~2 min) and then rest for 1 min before hopping on the bike for a 20 cal ride (~1 min.) If you don’t have that situation at your disposal, all you really need to do is take your heart rate up for 2min, then down for 1min, then up for 1min, then down for 1min. Repeat that for 20min as many times as you can!
If you don’t have those cardio options at your disposal, go to our Cardio Options page and make your own version that follows that pattern!
Optional Accessory Work
3-5 sets of 8-12 Bodyweight Rows. Pump Sesh!
Cool Down
1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min of Calf Stretches on Each Leg