Time Trial
800m Run
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
10 Burpees
Specific Warm Up
Ooooooooh HINSHAW, BAYBEEEE! You KNOW it! Let’s gooooooo! (More in the notes below)
10-20 steps/yards of each movement:
Over the Hurdle Sideways
Over the Hurdle Forwards
Knee to Chest
Figure 4
Lunge and Reach
Lunge and Twist
Tin Soldier
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Bounce
Side Shuffles (with and without arms)
Workout of the Day
Time Trial
800m Run
Workout Notes
Alrighty. If we do this right, this should be a workout where we are looking at it on paper thinking, “That’s it?” and then when you get done you are on the ground yelling “COACH, WHY?!?”
Once you get through the general warm up and the Hinshaw running warm up, we need to properly prepare for this heinous distance. Start by running 800m. The first 400m should be nice and easy. The second 400m should be pretty quick. Rest 2-3min or until your heart rate is back down. Then run another 400m at an uncomfortably fast pace, but don’t blow it all out now! Once again, rest until your heart rate comes back down.
Then. It’s time. Full Ham Sandwich. Run 800m as fast as you can. It will suck. And you will be a CHAMPION.
(Use our Cardio Resources to find 800m Run equivalents!)
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 25 to 75 Hand Release Push Ups in as few sets as possible.
Cool Down
1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min of Happy Baby