Time Trial:
2000m Row
General Warm Up
3-5min of easy cardio, followed by…
5 Strict Press (each arm or with empty bar)
5 Bent Over Rows (each arm or with empty bar)
10 Mountain Climbers (per leg)
:15 Arch Hold - Alligator Roll - :15 Hollow Hold
5 Inverted Burpees (Or 5-10 V-Ups)
Specific Warm Up
Start with the Rowing Primer. Then.. Row an easy 250m and take a breather.
Then… Row 250m at the pace you think you want to use for the 2k row. Take a breather.
Then… Row 250m at a pace FASTER than you think you want to use for the 2k row. For example, if you think you want to try to hold a 2min pace for the 2k, then try to row 250 at a 1:50 pace. Take a breather.
Workout of the Day
Time Trial:
2000m Row
Workout Notes/Modifications
Oof. OOF. It’s my very least favorite test in the WHOLE WORLD. I will do my best to make sure I get this one in. Because I don’t want to do it. I know, I’m making it sound really fun right?
This test is meant to be roughly 8min of all out, full ham sandwich, go for broke. If you think it will take you more than 10min, I would recommend either shortening the distance a bit (maybe 1500m?) or rowing as hard as you can for 8min.
If you would like to run instead of rowing, make sure you get in your Hinshaw Warm Up and take the same idea of running short distances (200m instead of 250m) in the specific warm up before running a 1 Mile Time Trial. Full send!
If you’d like to use an Air Bike (GROSS!) it would be something like 100-120 cals, depending on your size and engine. Or, of course you can just bike your heart out for 8min. Max distance.
If you’d like more options, go to our Cardio Resources page and devise your own nasty combination that you can perform HARD for 8min!
Optional Accessory Work
:30 of Step Ups
:30 of Rest
:30 of Romanian Deadlifts
:30 of Rest
Cool Down
1-2min of Happy Baby
1-2min of Child’s Pose