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Workout 374 - Cardio Sprints


500m Row


400m Run

General Warm Up

3-5min of the cardio of your choice, followed by…


5-10 Strict Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows

100 Freestyle Single Unders or 50 Jumping Jacks

Specific Warm Up

If you are rowing, hit the Rowing Primer and then row about 500m at a moderate pace.

If you’re running, you knoooooooow it… come on… HINSHAW followed by a ~400m jog. There are many deep instructions in the workout notes today, so be sure you read through those to be fully prepared, give it your best shot and avoid injury!

10-20 steps/yards of each movement:

  • Over the Hurdle Sideways

  • Over the Hurdle Forwards

  • Knee to Chest

  • Figure 4

  • Lunge and Reach

  • Lunge and Twist

  • Tin Soldier

  • High Knees

  • Butt Kickers

  • Straight Leg Bounce

  • Side Shuffles (with and without arms)

Workout of the Day


500m Row


400m Run

Workout Notes

Alright so here’s the deal with a sprint test. It’s meant to be INCREDIBLY short, but you are supposed to give it everything you’ve got. That means that most of the “workout” is actually going to come from the lead up to the test. Let’s break that down.

First, it’s important to note that sprinting (particularly running, but any short and all-out cardio effort) is pretty damn tough on the body. That means that this is NOT the day to skimp on the warming up! Especially if you are old, like me! This is exactly how weekend warriors pull a hamstring or blow out a hip flexor. Warm up warm up warm up. Also…. Warm up. From here on out, I’ll be speaking in reference to running the 400m on a track, but obviously all of this can be applied to the rower as well.

Once you’ve finished the general warm up, the Hinshaw warm up and the warm up jog, let’s get more specific. Catch your breath, then get yourself on the starting line for your run. Give yourself a “3, 2, 1” countdown and then start your run at about 75% of the speed that you want to try to hit later. Hold that pace for about 100m (or about 150m on the rower) and then reduce your speed to a jog for another 100m. Catch your breath and then do that again, but this time around 85-90% of your max speed. Catch your breath and do that one more time around 100%-105% of the speed you want to hit for your singular effort.

At this point, take 2-3min to fully catch your breath, get ready, and run your 400m (one lap) or row your 500m as fast as you possibly can! It’s a very short distance, but it won’t feel like it when you come out hot. Make sure you save a little gas in the tank for the final straightaway!

If you do this properly, you will need to lay down for a while when you are done with your one short effort. At this point, you’ve already run nearly two miles and 400m of it was at an extremely uncomfortable intensity! If you are feeling like that was a great effort and you are done for the day, walk a cool down lap and then hit the stretches in the cool down. Do NOT SKIP THE COOL DOWN STRETCHES!

If you are feeling like you want some more sweatiness, rock the slow and steady accessory work for as long as you’d like. Nice work!

Optional Accessory Work

After warming up to sprint, testing sprints, then sprinting all out… let’s bring the intensity down with a 10-20min Warm-Down jog or power walk. Be nice to your body!

Cool Down

1-2min at the Bottom of the Squat

1-2min of Child’s Pose

1-2min of Couch Stretch on each side


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