30:00 Max Distance ____
General Warm Up
Begin with the Joint Rotation warm up. Then...
3-5 min of light cardio of choice, then...
3 Rounds
6-10 Spiderman Lunges
5-10 Push Ups
5-10 Bodyweight Rows
30-60sec of Jump Rope Ladder Drills
Specific Warm Up
Pick your modality, do a little bit of it, grab a water bottle and get after it!
Workout of the Day
30:00 Max Distance ____
Today’s workout is meant to shake things up and hopefully get you outside! We are very used to mixing up elements, heart rate up and down, interval training, high intensity stuff here and today is meant to be 30 straight minutes of heart rate being up and steady. This can be accomplished in a million different ways but here are some suggestions…
Pick a cardio device or devices and try to hold a hard, but steady pace for 30min. This could be accomplished on a bike, rower, treadmill, elliptical, stair climber, or any other repetitive cardio situation you have available to you. One exception: I would not do this with a jump rope. Your calves will take an insane beating and at best, you’ll be hobbling around for days and at worst, you’ll get injured. If you’re like me and the thought of being strapped to one device for 30min sounds like torture, you can also do one of my favorite routines and pick 3 devices and hit each of them for 10min. Just remember, the goal is to keep that heart rate up and steady for the duration. Don’t let yourself off the hook by taking any big breaks in between. Keeeeeep it movin’!
Get outside! The fastest and most well conditioned folks should attempt to just run, bike, or skate, for 30min straight and see how far you can get. Map out a tough route that involves some hills or trails if you can!
Another great option is to do a run-walk-run situation. Run a little, walk a little, back and forth but keep moving!
Walking is also a great alternative! How can you make walking harder? One easy way is to add some hills or trails to your workout. Map out a route that you know has some inclines (or crank up that treadmill incline) and then power walk it as fast as you can!
The walking difficulty can also be cranked up by carrying something heavy. One of my favorite workouts I did last year was a one hour “Ruck.” This involved loading up a backpack with heavy stuff and power walking as far as I could in a certain amount of time. Give it a shot! Or for those of you with kiddos, challenge yourself to carry your kiddo as far as you can in 30min! You can change the carrying position whenever you want, but try to cover as much ground as possible with those little toes off the ground! If you are someone that has equipment like a sandbag available, haul that sucker as far as you can in 30min!
Cool Down
Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each: