Time Trial
800m Run
General Warm Up/Specific Warm Up
Hit that Hinshaw Warm Up, followed by an easy 2-4 min jog, if possible.
Workout of the Day
800m Run - Easy pace
800m Run - Moderate Pace
800m Run - All Out!
400m Walk
400m Easy Jog
Notes and Modifications
This workout is meant to be a pure cardio test in the 3-5min range. It would be ideal if it was a run and even more ideal if you can do it on a track, but any pure cardio test will do! Here are some other ideas, in case you are not down to run…
1000m Row
2000m C2 Bike
1000m Ski Erg
50-60 Cal Air Bike
You could go out and ACTUALLY Bike 2000m!
Any cardio machine at your gym for 4min
So if we extrapolate the idea of a 3-5min 800m Run as an All-Out effort, that means this workout should begin with an 800m Run that takes maybe 5-7min (easy). Then amp it up a little for an 800m that takes 4-6min (moderate). Then go for your all-out time trial for 3-5min. Then, if you do this right, you will have to lay down for a while : ) After that you’ve got some cool down walking/jogging that may take another ~10min.
If we add all of that up, you’ve got a 30+ min workout on your hands! Or… on your legs…
If you are looking at this workout and thinking that you cannot hit these times with the running (or other cardio implement) then you should shorten the distance of your run so that your run times are close to what is written above.
If you are using a cardio machine that does not measure any kind of applicable distance, use 4min as a ballpark estimate and just apply the pacing strategy. Meaning… 6min easy, 5min moderate, and 4min of all-out effort.
Only if you are absoLUTELY unable to do ANY cardio whatsoever… if you truly MUST…. You can do:
3min of Burpees - Easy Pace
3min of Burpees - Moderate Pace
3min of Burpees - Max Effort
Cool Down
Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each: