Coach’s Notes:
Welcome to the PPF Strength Program! A few notes and reminders:
1. This program is very much designed for in-gym-use only. That doesn’t mean that you can’t use it at home. What it means is that in my nearly 15 years of writing workouts, I’ve learned that modifying this type of focused strength program for a limited amount of space/equipment is next to impossible. If you have the equipment and the know-how, you can absolutely do all (or most) of this at home! Just know that you will not see modifications and suggestions for at home use for aforementioned reasons.
2. Good, focused strength work is boring and repetitive. It is the opposite of the Fitness program, which aims to be constantly changing and surprising you. That means that this program will be centered around 3 or 4 week blocks. Within those 4 weeks, you may see very little variety, or we may mix some things up week to week. I will label each week with a number so that you know where we are within the cycle. When I did this type of work more often, it helped me to know how many weeks I would be doing it; especially when I didn’t like a particular block : )
Without further ado…
PPF Strength:
Cycle One:
Week 1 of 4!
Workout #1
General Warm Up
Full Joint Rotation Warmup, then 3-5min of Cardio, followed by…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
5 Slow PVC Break the Bar Squats
10 Power Jumps
Part 1:
Back Squat: 3 x 5+5*
Rest 2-3min between sets
*First 5 Reps have a tempo, second 5 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Deadstop* Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press - Each Arm
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - Each Arm
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Each Leg
5 - 10 Nordic Curls
-1:00 Rest-
*Deadstop means that you need to kill the momentum at the bottom of each rep. No bouncing!
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
:30 Side Plank - R
:30 Side Plank - L
10 Hollow Rocks
*Rest as needed
Workout #2
General Warm Up
5 Slow Kang Squats
6 Reverse Lunges
5-10 Push Ups
5-10 Bodyweight Rows
20 Jumping Jacks or 40 Double Unders
Part 1:
3 Sets
5+5 Double Dumbbell Bench Press*
5+5 Strict Pull Ups**
Rest 2-3min between sets
*For both movements, the first 5 Reps have a tempo, second 5 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
**Use bands or the assisted pull up machine. Another great option is the lat pull down on any cable station, but note that the directions associated with the tempo will be flipped. You will pull down fast, hold for 2sec, then take 4sec to slowly let the handle go back up, then hold for 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Single Leg RDLs - Each Leg
10 Push Ups
10 Bicep Curls (Each arm, if necessary)
-1:00 Rest-
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
10 Slow Arch Ups (Hold for 3sec at the top of each rep)
1:00 of Glute Bridge March
10-20 V-Ups
*Rest as needed
Workout #3
General Warm Up
Begin with 3-5min of light cardio, get nice and warm, then…
5 Inchworms with a Push Up
5 Light Kettlebell Deadlifts
5 Light Russian Kettlebell Swings
5 Light American Kettlebell Swings
5-10 Bent Over Rows on Each Arm
10 Feet Together Squats with a pause at the bottom
Part 1:
Deadlift: 3 x 5+5*
Rest 2-3min between sets
*First 5 Reps have a tempo, second 5 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Split Squats - Each Leg
10 Pullovers
-1:00 REST-
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
20 Alternating Lunges
10 SLOW Mountain Climbers
10 SLOW Plank Shoulder Taps
*Rest as needed
Coach’s Notes:
Welcome to the PPF Strength Program! A few notes and reminders:
1. This program is very much designed for in-gym-use only. That doesn’t mean that you can’t use it at home. What it means is that in my nearly 15 years of writing workouts, I’ve learned that modifying this type of focused strength program for a limited amount of space/equipment is next to impossible. If you have the equipment and the know-how, you can absolutely do all (or most) of this at home! Just know that you will not see modifications and suggestions for at home use for aforementioned reasons.
2. Good, focused strength work is boring and repetitive. It is the opposite of the Fitness program, which aims to be constantly changing and surprising you. That means that this program will be centered around 3 or 4 week blocks. Within those 4 weeks, you may see very little variety, or we may mix some things up week to week. I will label each week with a number so that you know where we are within the cycle. When I did this type of work more often, it helped me to know how many weeks I would be doing it; especially when I didn’t like a particular block : )
Without further ado…
PPF Strength:
Cycle One:
Week 1 of 4!
Workout #1
General Warm Up
Full Joint Rotation Warmup, then 3-5min of Cardio, followed by…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
5 Slow PVC Break the Bar Squats
10 Power Jumps
Part 1:
Back Squat: 3 x 5+5*
Rest 2-3min between sets
*First 5 Reps have a tempo, second 5 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Deadstop* Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press - Each Arm
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - Each Arm
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Each Leg
5 - 10 Nordic Curls
-1:00 Rest-
*Deadstop means that you need to kill the momentum at the bottom of each rep. No bouncing!
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
:30 Side Plank - R
:30 Side Plank - L
10 Hollow Rocks
*Rest as needed
Workout #2
General Warm Up
5 Slow Kang Squats
6 Reverse Lunges
5-10 Push Ups
5-10 Bodyweight Rows
20 Jumping Jacks or 40 Double Unders
Part 1:
3 Sets
5+5 Double Dumbbell Bench Press*
5+5 Strict Pull Ups**
Rest 2-3min between sets
*For both movements, the first 5 Reps have a tempo, second 5 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
**Use bands or the assisted pull up machine. Another great option is the lat pull down on any cable station, but note that the directions associated with the tempo will be flipped. You will pull down fast, hold for 2sec, then take 4sec to slowly let the handle go back up, then hold for 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Single Leg RDLs - Each Leg
10 Push Ups
10 Bicep Curls (Each arm, if necessary)
-1:00 Rest-
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
10 Slow Arch Ups (Hold for 3sec at the top of each rep)
1:00 of Glute Bridge March
10-20 V-Ups
*Rest as needed
Workout #3
General Warm Up
Begin with 3-5min of light cardio, get nice and warm, then…
5 Inchworms with a Push Up
5 Light Kettlebell Deadlifts
5 Light Russian Kettlebell Swings
5 Light American Kettlebell Swings
5-10 Bent Over Rows on Each Arm
10 Feet Together Squats with a pause at the bottom
Part 1:
Deadlift: 3 x 5+5*
Rest 2-3min between sets
*First 5 Reps have a tempo, second 5 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Split Squats - Each Leg
10 Pullovers
-1:00 REST-
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
20 Alternating Lunges
10 SLOW Mountain Climbers
10 SLOW Plank Shoulder Taps
*Rest as needed
Cycle 1: Week 2 of 4
Coach’s Notes:
This is Week 2 of the current cycle and what you’ll notice is that most things look about the same. The big difference is that in our first major lift of the day, we now will only have to do the pause/tempo for the first 3 reps before finishing our set with 7 regular reps. The idea here is that the tempo reps are the most challenging part, so if there are fewer of them, we should be able to add a little more weight.
Our Part 2’s and Part 3’s are the same and will remain the same for the cycle. In general, the first week of any program requires some feeling out and therefore, many folks will inadvertently err on the light side of things. For week 2, we MAY be able to add a little weight to one or all sets. For Week 3, we should really go all out, and then in Week 4 we will pull back the weight a bit for a sort of deload, but I’ll go more into that in the future!
Workout #1
General Warm Up
Start with 3-5min of Cardio to get nice and warm, then…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
5-10 Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups
5 PVC or Empty Bar Overhead Squats with a :03 hold at the bottom
10 Plank Up Downs or :30 Front Plank
50 Double Unders or Single Unders
Part 1:
Back Squat: 3 x 3+7*
Rest 2-3min between sets
*First 3 Reps have a tempo, second 7 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Deadstop* Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press - Each Arm
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - Each Arm
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Each Leg
5 - 10 Nordic Curls
-1:00 Rest-
*Deadstop means that you need to kill the momentum at the bottom of each rep. No bouncing!
Part 3:
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
:30 Side Plank - R
:30 Side Plank - L
10 Hollow Rocks
*Rest as needed
Workout #2
General Warm Up
3-5min Cardio of Choice, followed by…
10 KB Deadlifts
10 Squats
20 Mt. Climbers
Part 1:
3 Sets
3+7* Double Dumbbell Bench Press*
3+7* Strict Pull Ups**
Rest 2-3min between sets
*For both movements, the first 3 reps have a tempo, second 7 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
**Use bands or the assisted pull up machine. Another great option is the lat pull down on any cable station, but note that the directions associated with the tempo will be flipped. You will pull down fast, hold for 2sec, then take 4sec to slowly let the handle go back up, then hold for 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Single Leg RDLs - Each Leg
10 Push Ups
10 Bicep Curls (Each arm, if necessary)
-1:00 Rest-
Part 3:
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
10 Slow Arch Ups (Hold for 3sec at the top of each rep)
1:00 of Glute Bridge March
10-20 V-Ups
*Rest as needed
Workout #3
General Warm Up
Start with 3-5min of easy cardio, get nice and warm, then…
5 Single Leg RDLs - Right Leg
5 Single Leg RDLs - Left Leg
5 Deadlifts (PVC or Empty bar)
10 Reverse Lunges
5-10 Burpees
Part 1:
Deadlift: 3 x 3+7*
Rest 2-3min between sets
*First 3 Reps have a tempo, second 7 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Split Squats - Each Leg
10 Pullovers
-1:00 REST-
Part 3:
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
20 Alternating Lunges
10 SLOW Mountain Climbers
10 SLOW Plank Shoulder Taps
*Rest as needed
Cycle 1: Week 3 of 4
Coach’s Notes:
Just like in Week 2, our major lifts will see a slight change. We will now creep one more step closer to a regular tempo set of 10. Because we are doing less pausing this week, we should (theoretically) be able to bump the weight up a little. If you’re feeling good, go for it!
For our Accessory Lifts (Part 2’s and Part 3’s) this is our last chance to try to squeeze some gainz out of the current rep scheme. Week 4 will be a lighter deload type of thing. Again, if you’re feeling good, get after it!
Workout #1
General Warm Up
Start today with the Full Joint Rotation Warmup. Then, get in your 3-5min of cardio followed by…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Side
5-10 Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups
5-10 Burpees
Part 1:
Back Squat: 3 x 1+9*
Rest 2-3min between sets
*First rep has a tempo,the following 9 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Deadstop* Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press - Each Arm
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - Each Arm
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Each Leg
5 - 10 Nordic Curls
-1:00 Rest-
*Deadstop means that you need to kill the momentum at the bottom of each rep. No bouncing!
Part 3:
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
:30 Side Plank - R
:30 Side Plank - L
10 Hollow Rocks
*Rest as needed
Workout #2
General Warm Up
Start with 3-5min of easy cardio of your own choice, then…
5-10 Push Ups
:15 Hollow Hold - Alligator Roll - :15 Arch Hold
Part 1:
3 Sets
1+9* Double Dumbbell Bench Press*
1+9* Strict Pull Ups**
Rest 2-3min between sets
*For both movements the first rep has a tempo,the following 9 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
**Use bands or the assisted pull up machine. Another great option is the lat pull down on any cable station, but note that the directions associated with the tempo will be flipped. You will pull down fast, hold for 2sec, then take 4sec to slowly let the handle go back up, then hold for 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Single Leg RDLs - Each Leg
10 Push Ups
10 Bicep Curls (Each arm, if necessary)
-1:00 Rest-
Part 3:
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
10 Slow Arch Ups (Hold for 3sec at the top of each rep)
1:00 of Glute Bridge March
10-20 V-Ups
*Rest as needed
Workout #3
General Warm Up
Start with 3-5min of Cardio, followed by….
10 Squats
5-10 Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups
1:00 of Pose Pulls, jogging in place, or go for a quick 200m run
Part 1:
Deadlift: 3 x 1+9*
Rest 2-3min between sets
*First rep has a tempo,the following 9 reps are at regular speed. The tempo is: 42x2 (This means 4sec descent, 2sec hold at the bottom, up fast (x), and 2sec at the top.
Part 2:
4 ROUNDS - Not For Time
10 Split Squats - Each Leg
10 Pullovers
-1:00 REST-
Part 3:
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
20 Alternating Lunges
10 SLOW Mountain Climbers
10 SLOW Plank Shoulder Taps
*Rest as needed
Cycle 1: Week 4 of 4
Coach’s Notes:
We’ve made it to the end of this four week cycle! This week we are going to test some Heavy sets of 10, which will be very challenging, but overall the workload will be lighter as we give our muscles a bit of a deload.
Let’s talk about the “Heavy 10” first. The idea here is to use the numbers you’ve been working on for the last 3 weeks to take an educated guess as to the heaviest set of 10 that you can accomplish with great form. This one, single set, should be THEEEE workout of the day. It should be very, very difficult, but the key here is that every rep needs to be very pretty. If you try to make this set too hard and your form falters, not only will you be risking injury and looking like a jackass in your gym, but you will be teaching your body a bad habit that will be hard to break. The more times you do something a certain way, the more chance there is that you will do it that way in the future. Lift beautifully now and you will lift beautifully in the future. Lift like crap today, and chances are, you will lift like crap in the future.
Some of the movements in the accessory work have changed slightly, but the real change is that we are only doing TWO rounds of each and the rep scheme has jumped up to 20 reps. This will force you to go much lighter and going deep on the rep count will give you a good burn without completely trashing you. Remember, most of this week should feel like less of a workload!
Enjoy the final week! New stuff around the corner!
Workout #1
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of choice, then...
3 Rounds:
5-10 Air Squats
3 Inchworms (No Push Up)
:30 Hollow Hold
:30 Arch Hold
50 Single Unders or Jumping Jacks
Part 1:
First find a Heavy set of 10. That means this set should be VERY challenging, but technically sound!
Then… do 2 more sets of 10 with 20% less weight than your Heavy 10.
*Rest as needed between sets.*
Part 2:
2 ROUNDS - Not For Time
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press - Each Arm
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows - Each Arm
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges Each Leg + :30 of Slow Glute Bridge March
5 - 10 Nordic Curls
-1:00 Rest-
Part 3:
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
:30 Side Plank - R
:30 Side Plank - L
10 Hollow Rocks
*Rest as needed
Workout #2
General Warm Up
3-5min Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
5 Inchworm Push Ups
5 Burpees
Part 1:
First, CAREFULLY find a Heavy set of 10 Double Dumbbell Bench Press
Then, find a Heavy Set of 10 Strict Pull Ups*
That means this set should be VERY challenging, but technically sound!
10 Double Dumbbell Bench Press with a weight 20% less than your Heavy 10.
10 Pull Ups with less resistance than your Heavy 10**
Rest as needed between sets
*Use bands or the assisted pull up machine. Another great option is the lat pull down on any cable station.
**This can be tricky. If you are using an assisted pull up station, be sure to give yourself quite a bit more help for the 2 rounds that follow your heavy attempt. If you are adding weight to yourself for your heavy 10, you would obviously want to drop that weight off for the subsequent sets, but you may need to even add assistance in order to get your reps in!
Part 2:
2 ROUNDS - Not For Time
20 Push Press
20 Bicep Curls (Each arm, if necessary)
-1:00 Rest-
Part 3:
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
10 Slow Arch Ups (Hold for 3sec at the top of each rep)
1:00 of Glute Bridge March
10-20 V-Ups
*Rest as needed
Workout #3
General Warm Up
3-5min Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
5-10 Single Leg Deadlifts on each leg (no weight)
5 Push Ups
5 Sit Ups
Part 1:
Find a Heavy set of 10*
2 Sets of 10 at 20% less than your Heavy 10.
*That means this set should be VERY challenging, but technically sound! Especially with the deadlift, emphasis is on TECHNICALLY SOUND. If you let the deadlift get sloppy, you will pay for it. Please don’t do that. Be humble and make smart choices. Train to train another day.
Part 2:
2 ROUNDS - Not For Time
20 Split Squats - Each Leg*
20 Pullovers
-1:00 REST-
*You may have to change split squat variations to make it easy enough to do 20 reps in a row!
Part 3:
3-4 ROUNDS (Dependent on time and energy)
20 Alternating Lunges
10 SLOW Mountain Climbers
10 SLOW Plank Shoulder Taps
*Rest as needed