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Strength - Cycle 2

Cycle 2: Week 1

Coach’s Notes:

Alright we’ve got a new 4 week cycle starting today! Just like the last cycle, we will have 3 parts to the day. Part 1 will be our “Major Lift.” This can be expected to change in rep scheme (and thus, change in weight) from week to week. Part 2 is our 4 Rounds of Accessory movements. This will not change week to week. The first week, you’ll have to feel it out. The second week, you’ll have a better idea of which weights to use for which moves. The third week is your last chance to try to squeeze a few more pounds out of these lifts before we deload in Week 4.

Day 1

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

5 Glute Bridges (Hold a couple of seconds at the top)

20 Jumping Jacks


- Find a heavy set of 10 for the day

- Drop the weight down 15-20% and perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps


4 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Single Arm Push Press - Each Arm

10 High Box Jumps**

*Rest as needed between rounds.

*These are for explosive height, not for speed. Jump high and land high. Take your time!


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

:15 Rest

:15 Rest

:30 Other Side Plank

:15 Rest

-Rest as needed before next round-

Day 2

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…

3 Rounds

3 Squat Thrusts


- Find a heavy set of 10 for the day

- Drop the weight down 15-20% and perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps


4 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Single Leg RDL’s - Each Leg

*Rest as needed between rounds.

**Use assistance in the form of bands, toe-spot, pull up machine, or lat pull downs on a cable station.


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

10 Arch Ups with a 2-3sec Hold at the top

5 Robotic Kang Squats with PVC or Empty Bar

Day 3

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…

3 Rounds

5 Strict Presses with PVC Pipe

5 Push Presses with PVC Pipe


- Find a heavy set of 10 for the day

- Drop the weight down 15-20% and perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps


4 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Push ups***

20 Walking Lunges - Weighted if possible

*Rest as needed between rounds.

**These need to be PERFECT reps with PERFECT form. Light weight, if any at all.

***Use your toughest variation in order to challenge yourself for 10 reps. You may need to put your feet up, use a deficit, use hand release at the bottom, add weight, etc.


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

5-10 Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Raises*

10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Each Side

*Try out the captain’s chair, if you can find one in your gym. This is usually a station where you can put your back against a pad or a bosu ball, support yourself on your forearms, and do leg raises of all kinds.

**If you can’t find a place or a partner to help you with these, use any hamstring curl machine or variation that you can find

Cycle 2: Week 2

Coach’s Notes:

This is week 2 of our current 4 week cycle! If you weren’t here last week, no sweat. Jump on in! If you did complete last week, note that the rep range for the Major Lift (Part 1) has dropped from a Heavy 10 to a Heavy 8. This means that you should (theoretically) be able to move MORE weight than last week.

Day 1

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…

3 Rounds

5 Inchworms (with Push Up)

:30 Plank

50 Jumping Jacks


- Find a heavy set of 8 for the day

- Drop the weight down 15-20% and perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps


4 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Single Arm Push Press - Each Arm

10 High Box Jumps**

*Rest as needed between rounds.

*These are for explosive height, not for speed. Jump high and land high. Take your time!


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

:15 Rest

:15 Rest

:30 Other Side Plank

:15 Rest

-Rest as needed before next round-

Day 2

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…

3 Rounds

5 Arch Ups with :03 Hold at the Top


- Find a heavy set of 8 for the day

- Drop the weight down 15-20% and perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps


4 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Single Leg RDL’s - Each Leg

*Rest as needed between rounds.

**Use assistance in the form of bands, toe-spot, pull up machine, or lat pull downs on a cable station.


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

10 Arch Ups with a 2-3sec Hold at the top

5 Robotic Kang Squats with PVC or Empty Bar

Day 3

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…

3 Rounds

5 PVC Squats (Overhead or Arms Out)


- Find a heavy set of 8 for the day

- Drop the weight down 15-20% and perform 3 sets of 6-10 reps


4 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Push ups***

20 Walking Lunges - Weighted if possible

*Rest as needed between rounds.

**These need to be PERFECT reps with PERFECT form. Light weight, if any at all.

***Use your toughest variation in order to challenge yourself for 10 reps. You may need to put your feet up, use a deficit, use hand release at the bottom, add weight, etc.


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

5-10 Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Raises*

10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Each Side

*Try out the captain’s chair, if you can find one in your gym. This is usually a station where you can put your back against a pad or a bosu ball, support yourself on your forearms, and do leg raises of all kinds.

**If you can’t find a place or a partner to help you with these, use any hamstring curl machine or variation that you can find.


Cycle 2: Week 3

Coach’s Notes:

Welcome to the third and heaviest week of our current 4 week strength cycle! This week the rep range on the major lift is dropped to a Heavy set of 5, so you should be able to crank the weight up a bit from last week! Next week, we will have a lighter deload situation so get after it with all of the weights this week!

Day 1

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds


- Find a heavy set of 5 for the day

- Drop the weight down 15-20% and perform 3 sets of 4-8 reps


4 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Single Arm Push Press - Each Arm

10 High Box Jumps**

*Rest as needed between rounds.

*These are for explosive height, not for speed. Jump high and land high. Take your time!


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

:15 Rest

:15 Rest

:30 Other Side Plank

:15 Rest

-Rest as needed before next round-

Day 2

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

5 Split Squats - right leg (no weight)

5 Split Squats - left leg (no weight)


- Find a heavy set of 5 for the day

- Drop the weight down 15-20% and perform 3 sets of 4-8 reps


4 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Single Leg RDL’s - Each Leg

*Rest as needed between rounds.

**Use assistance in the form of bands, toe-spot, pull up machine, or lat pull downs on a cable station.


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

10 Arch Ups with a 2-3sec Hold at the top

5 Robotic Kang Squats with PVC or Empty Bar

Day 3

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

6 Spiderman Lunges (3 per leg)


- Find a heavy set of 5 for the day

- Drop the weight down 15-20% and perform 3 sets of 4-8 reps


4 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Push ups***

20 Walking Lunges - Weighted if possible

*Rest as needed between rounds.

**These need to be PERFECT reps with PERFECT form. Light weight, if any at all.

***Use your toughest variation in order to challenge yourself for 10 reps. You may need to put your feet up, use a deficit, use hand release at the bottom, add weight, etc.


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

5-10 Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Raises*

10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Each Side

*Try out the captain’s chair, if you can find one in your gym. This is usually a station where you can put your back against a pad or a bosu ball, support yourself on your forearms, and do leg raises of all kinds.

**If you can’t find a place or a partner to help you with these, use any hamstring curl machine or variation that you can find.

Cycle 2: Week 4 (Deload)

Coach’s Notes:

It’s deload week! After three intense weeks of increasing weight and effort, this week we will switch it up and make everything much lighter! For the Major Lift, we will work to one challenging set of 20 reps. No matter who you are, a set of 20 reps will have to be relatively light. Then you’ll use that same weight for some extra sets of 10.

The accessory lifts are only 2 rounds and most of them are either lightened or cranked to 20 reps, or both!

Enjoy moving and recovering and we’ll start a new nasty chapter next week!

Day 1

General Warm Up

3-5min of easy cardio (lots of cardio lies ahead!) and then…

3 Rounds


- Find a “Heavy” set of 20 reps

- Do 2 Sets of 10 at the same weight as above


2 ROUNDS - Not For Time

20 Single Arm Push Press - Each Arm

10 High Box Jumps**

*Rest as needed between rounds.

*These are for explosive height, not for speed. Jump high and land high. Take your time!


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

:15 Rest

:15 Rest

:30 Other Side Plank

:15 Rest

-Rest as needed before next round-

Day 2

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…

3 Rounds

5 Strict Presses with PVC Pipe

5 Push Presses with PVC Pipe


- Find a “Heavy” set of 20 reps

- Do 2 Sets of 10 at the same weight as above


2 ROUNDS - Not For Time

10 Assisted Pull Ups (Should be able to complete relatively easily)

10 Single Leg RDL’s - Each Leg

*Rest as needed between rounds.

**Use assistance in the form of bands, toe-spot, pull up machine, or lat pull downs on a cable station.


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

10 Arch Ups with a 2-3sec Hold at the top

5 Robotic Kang Squats with PVC or Empty Bar

Day 3

General Warm Up

3-5min Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

5 Inchworms (no push up)


- Find a “Heavy” set of 20 reps

- Do 2 Sets of 10 at the same weight as above


2 ROUNDS - Not For Time

20 Good Mornings with no weight

20 Walking Lunges - No weight

*Rest as needed between rounds.

***Use a variation that allows you to get 30 reps in a row. That means getting 20 should be very doable.


3-4 ROUNDS (Depending on time and energy)

5-10 Strict Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Raises*

10 Single Leg Glute Bridges - Each Side

*Try out the captain’s chair, if you can find one in your gym. This is usually a station where you can put your back against a pad or a bosu ball, support yourself on your forearms, and do leg raises of all kinds.

**If you can’t find a place or a partner to help you with these, use any hamstring curl machine or variation that you can find.

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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