Strength Day
Push Press
5 x 10
General Warm Up
3-5min of cardio of choice, followed by…
5 Slow Squat + 5 Jump Squats
10 Lunges
5 Strict Press with empty bar (or 5 each arm with dumbbell)
25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Jump Rope
Specific Warm Up
The bulk of today’s work is pressing overhead, so be sure to open up those shoulders and then start warming your way up to your working weight for the day on the Barbell or Dumbbell Push Press.
Workout of the Day
5 x 10
*Rest as needed between sets
Optional Finisher
Tabata: V-Ups
Rest 1:00
Tabata: Burpees
Workout Notes
The Push Press is an excellent, full-body strength building movement. Be sure that you are really using those legs to drive up hard and then finishing the rep with the arms. Abs need to stay tight and ribs need to stay down the whole time!
For the finisher, you will do one full Tabata of the first movement and then rest for one minute before doing a full Tabata of the second movement. One Tabata is:
8 Rounds:
:20 of work / :10 of rest
Push Press Modifications
If you have never done the push press before and you are having a hard time coordinating it, you can back the variation down a bit and turn this into a 5 x 10 of strict presses. If pressing overhead is no good for you today, you can use a horizontal push like Push Ups, bench press, or Floor Press instead. If you are really feeling spicy, this could also be done with Strict Dips!
V-Up Modifications
Any crunch will do! V-Ups, Sit Ups, toes to bar, etc. are all good. Just make sure you can really get in a bunch of reps in each of the intervals of the first half of the Tabata. After the halfway point, all bets are off! If you are unable to crunch, perform this same Tabata with any Plank variation!
Burpee Modifications
Any version of the Burpee from the video will work! If you aren’t confident in your ability to go all the way down to the floor and get back up, try a Squat Thrust variation instead! If you are a super bad-ass, go with an 8 Count Body Builder instead.
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches
1-2min of Triceps Stretch
Workout #2
Retest - Week 14 - Day 1
Alt. EMOM x 6 Rounds
20 KB Swings
:50 Plank
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of choice, followed by:
5 Inchworms (with Push Up)
10 Lunges
25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Single Unders
Specific Warm Up
Go through the Kettlebell Primer with either a kettlebell, double dumbbells, or a single dumbbell (whichever you plan to use today!)
Workout of the Day
Alt. EMOM x 6 Rounds
Minute A: 20 Kettlebell Swings
Minute B: :50 Front Plank
Workout Notes
This workout was originally done on Day 1 of Week 14, which was the week of April 5th, 2021.
This format means that you will start a clock and at the top of the first minute, you will do 20 Kettlebell Swings. These would ideally be overhead, but eye level is totally cool if you are more comfortable with that. You will rest for the remainder of that minute. At the top of the next minute, you will do as much planking as possible in 50 seconds. Obviously, the goal is to be able to do all 6 rounds of 50 second plank without stopping, but that’s probably not going to happen! Come up and down as much as you need to, but wherever you are at the :50 mark, end your plank and get ready for more kettlebell swings.
Alternate back and forth between these two movements until you have completed 6 Rounds, which will take 12 minutes.
Accessory Work
Bi’s and Tri’s
3 - 5 Rounds
10 Bicep Curls (each arm)
*Rest 1-2min
Cool Down
Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each: