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Workout 117 - Upper Body Strength

Strict Press

5 x 8


3 x 8-12

Superset x 4

8-12 Bicep Curls

:30 Hollow Hold

:30 Bicycle Crunches

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…


Specific Warm Up

The major point of this workout is to give everything you’ve got to the Strict Press. The idea will be to get in 5 sets of 8, as heavy as you can. Hint: this will be embarrassingly light. Ha!

So for the specific warm up, just get in some empty bar or light dumbbell strict presses and then start working your way up to what you think you can use for the working sets.

Workout of the Day

5 x 8

3 x 8-12

Superset x 4

Workout Notes

We are now done with our cycles of 5 x 10 reps and are moving on to 5 x 8 reps. This means we should be able to move MORE weight than we did in the 5 x 10’s. If you need to look back for reference, we did our 5x10 of Strict Press in the week of May 3rd, AKA Week 18.

This workout is very straightforward and should be very satisfying! Start by doing 5 sets of Strict Press. I would rest at least 2min between sets. I personally like to set a clock for every 3min or every 4min and every time it beeps, I do a set. This is a very easy, pressure free way to control your session. Enjoy the rest time!

After the strict pressing, do 3 sets of 8-12 Pullovers. Any variation will do!

After that, end your session with a nice little 4 round superset. Do 8-12 Bicep Curls, then go right into a 30 second Hollow Hold (or less than :30, depending on your level) and then knock out :30 of Bicycle Crunches. That’s one set. Do that 4 times, resting whenever you’d like!

No accessory work today! This session is nice and complete as is. Enjoy the lifting day!

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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