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Workout 127 - S2O, Bent Over Rows, Squat Thrusts


20 Shoulder to Overhead

20 Bent Over Rows

20 Squat Thrusts Over the Bar

General Warm Up

3-5min of easy cardio, followed by…


5 Strict Press (each arm or with empty bar)

5 Bent Over Rows (each arm or with empty bar)

10 Mountain Climbers (per leg)

Specific Warm Up

The first thing to be decided today is which version of Shoulder to Overhead you are going to choose, and with which implement. You may be limited by what you have at home, but if you are in a gym or have a wide assortment of toys at home, there is a lot of room to play here. 20 Strict Presses would be done with a VERY different weight than 20 Push Jerks. So first, decide which you want to do, and then get your implement (barbell/PVC/dumbbells/kettlebells) and warm up that specific movement.

The next thing to decide is where you will be using the same weight and implement for your Bent Over Rows, or whether you’ll switch. Again, go through the Bent Over Rows video and decide which is best for you and then warm your way up to an appropriate weight.

Lastly, practice a few Squat Thrusts and then it’s go time!

Workout of the Day


20 Squat Thrusts Over the Bar

Workout Notes

20 reps of anything is a lot of reps, but especially with going overhead! Be careful to choose a weight that allows you to get the reps in and gives you a challenge, but does not get to a sloppy place that puts you at risk of injury. Likewise, 20 reps of bent over rows will put you in a hinged position for a LONG time, so be sure to choose your weights and variations carefully. Always train to train another day!

The Squat Thrusts over the bar can be any style. That means you do one squat thrust and then hop over your bar (or dumbbells or kettlebells.) When you get to the other side, your rep is complete. Check out the burpee over bar video for demonstrations of ways to go over your target.

Shoulder to Overhead Modifications

The Shoulder to Overhead video covers many options and ways to take a weight (even just a PVC pipe!) and bring it from shoulder level to locked out overhead. In my opinion, this is one of the most essential, important functional movements around! I’m hoping that everyone can find a version that works for them, but if you cannot, reach out to me and I’ll help you!

Bent Over Row Modifications

This is our classic horizontal pulling for the week. If you are not able to do a bent over row, the next best thing would be the Bodyweight Row, but any pulling exercise will do today! However, if you choose a really tough variation (like strict Pull Ups) feel free to bring the 20 reps down to something more manageable. If you do a single arm version, make sure you get 20 reps on EACH ARM for all rounds. It’s gon’ burn!

Squat Thrust Over Bar Modifications

The first and easiest modification here would be to take away the “over bar” portion. Just go with the regular squat thrust! If you can’t jump your feet back and jump them up, do the step back-step up version! If you are having trouble swapping out this movement, reach out to me!

Optional Accessory Work

Monostructural Cardio

After the workout is complete, spend 10-20min doing steady state cardio at a low-moderate pace. This can be going on a walk, a jog, an easy-ish row, bike, or swim! Try to keep your heart rate slightly elevated, but STEADY for 10-20min, depending on your time and desire.

Cool Down

1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Leg

1-2min of Happy Baby

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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