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Workout 144 - Deadlift Strength

Strength Day


5 x 8

*Rest as needed between sets.

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio to get nice and warm, followed by…


5 Slooooow PVC Deadlifts

Specific Warm Up

After the general warm up, you should be ready to start tackling some light Deadlifts. Decide whether or not you’re going to use a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells and start to work your way from light weights to your heavier, working weight for the day.

Workout of the Day

5 x 8

Workout Notes

The last time we had a deadlift strength day was 5 x 10 on Day 4 of Week 25, which was in the week of 6/21/21. IF you are feeling great, aim to lift heavier than you did on that day!

This is quite a few reps for a strength workout! Make sure you are suuuuuuper vigilant about your back being flat, your core braced tight, and the lifts all being PAIN FREE.

If the weights you have available to you are not enough to challenge your bad-ass bod for this rep scheme, try adding a slow descent (:03-:05) on some or all reps or do these as Single Leg RDL’s instead. Be sure to rest at least 2min between sets so you can move as much weight as you can in each set!

Optional Accessory Work

Continue the glute and hamstring assault by getting in 5-15 Hamstring Walkouts in as few sets as possible!

Cool Down

Foam Roll the Glutes and Hamstrings

1-2min in Forward Folds

1-2min in Happy Baby

1-2min in Child’s Pose

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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