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Workout 168 - Total Body Strength


A. :20 Each Leg of Single Leg Deadlifts

B. :40 Max Double Dumbbell Bench Press

C. :40 Max Bicep Curls


General Warm Up

Begin with 3-5min of easy cardio to get nice and warm, then…


5 Slow Arch Ups

5-10 Sit Ups

Specific Warm Up

This workout has 3 different strength movements in it and each one may need a different weight. However, as long as you can bicep curl your weight, you definitely CAN use one set of weights throughout the whole thing.

Touch on each movement and decide how much weight (if any) you’d like to use for each one by checking out the notes section below. Once you have tested out each weight for each movement, you’re ready to go!

Workout of the Day


A. :20 Each Leg of Single Leg Deadlifts

B. :40 Max Double Dumbbell Bench Press

C. :40 Max Bicep Curls


Workout Notes

Strengthy! I like it! First thing to address here is how to perform this workout. This workout is an Alternating EMOM, which stands for Every Minute On the Minute. That means each section (A-D) will start at the top of a fresh minute. You will continue alternating your task each minute until you’ve done 6 total rounds, which would be 24minutes (or 23 if you don’t count the final rest.)

On Minute A, you’ll do 20 seconds of Single Leg Deadlifts on your right leg, and then switch and do 20 seconds of Single Leg Deadlifts on your left leg. That leaves you 15-20 seconds to put those weights down and get ready for Minute B. This move is tough, as it involves a hefty amount of balance. Be sure to choose weights and variations that allow you to get in at least 5 reps per leg, each minute. If you do 5 each, that would total 30 working reps per leg by the end of the workout.

On Minute B, you’ll do 40 seconds of as many Double Dumbbell Bench Presses as possible. This is going to burn! Also, be prepared to do significantly fewer reps each round as the pressing muscles tend to be a group that fatigues very easily! Depending on how heavy you are looking to go, I would recommend choosing a weight with which you can do 10-12 reps in the first round. From there, it will be about hanging on tight as your upper body quits on you!

On Minute C, you’ll do 40 seconds of as Bicep Curls as you can. Similar to the bench press, this is a tiny muscle group and it won’t last long. 40 seconds may feel like an eternity! Again, I would recommend shooting for a weight that allows you to get in 10-12 reps in the first round.

Minute D is a rest minute. Recharge before you do it all over again!

Single Leg Deadlift Modifications

The Single Leg Deadlift video covers lots of good options, but if none of them work for you, you can always choose a standard Deadlift using both legs. Another option here would be to go with another single leg movement like Lunges or box Step Ups, but do so at your own risk because tomorrow’s workout is heavy back squats! If you go too crazy on lunges or step ups today, you may underperform tomorrow!

Bench Press Modifications

This is written to be a double dumbbell bench press, but you can always do a standard Barbell Bench Press or the Floor Press. If you don’t want to hit the weights, you can sub in any Push Up variation or Dip variation that suits you. If none of that works for you, you can also swap in any Strict Press variation.

Bicep Curl Modification

This movement is one everyone should be able to do! Just make sure you keep it clean and don’t get out of control with the weight!

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 2-3 minutes in each Side Plank in as little time as possible.

Cool Down

1-2min at the Bottom of the Squat

1-2 min of Chest Stretches

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