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Workout 176 - CrossFit Total #1

Crossfit Total #1

1 Rep Max Back Squat

1 Rep Max Strict Press

1 Rep Max Deadlift

General Warm Up

Full Joint Rotation Warmup, then 3-5min of Cardio, followed by…


Specific Warm Up

No matter how you cut it, this workout is about lifting heavy weights! Be sure you are feeling ready for your squat of choice, your press of choice, and your hinge of choice (many options below) and attack whichever version of this workout you are going to attempt!

Workout of the Day

Option 1:

Crossfit Total #1

1 Rep Max Back Squat

1 Rep Max Strict Press

1 Rep Max Deadlift

Option 2:

Back Squat: 5 x 3

Strict Press: 5 x 3

Deadlift: 5 x 3

Option 3:

Back Squat: 3 x 8-12

Strict Press: 3 x 8-12

Deadlift: 3 x 8-12

Workout Notes

Alright we’ve got LOTS to talk about with this one!

First let’s discuss Option 1. This option is known as the CrossFit Total (or Total #1.) A Total simply means that we are looking to hit a certain number of max effort lifts, and then total up the weights lifted. That is our score. In Powerlifting, the total is comprised of the Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. In Olympic Weightlifting, the total is the sum of your best Snatch and your best Clean and Jerk. For us today, we are totaling up your best Back Squat, Strict Press and Deadlift. This means that we are looking to work up to, and find, the single heaviest rep that you can achieve with good form.

In order for your total to be technically legit, all of these moves must be performed in one session. The quickest I have responsibly made it through this total is 90min. That being said, if your numbers aren’t very high or you aren’t very experienced with the heavy lifts, it may be quicker for you. The Back Squat should take the longest, the Strict Press will take literally 5 minutes because Strict Press is the WORST, and then you should be very warm to jump right into the Deadlifts.

Technically, you get 3 attempts at each lift. Do NOT take more than 3 attempts at a max. You will screw yourself up! Give yourself 3 attempts at your heaviest lift and then move on.

If you attempt the total, send me your numbers! I want to see the pay off from all of your hard work!

Important note: Maxing out is VERY intense and requires a certain level of experience and skill. Do not, do not, do not, max out your back squat if you don’t know how to properly bail out of a bad lift. Likewise, do not max out if you are still learning these lifts. You may be able to lift more than your body is ready for or end up with a rounded back deadlift that you pay for for weeks. If you don’t know for CERTAIN that you are ready to max out your lifts, choose one of the other options!

Options 2 and 3 are still strength workouts and they are still hitting the same major lifts, but now we are adding volume (25 reps for Option 2, up to 36 reps for Option 3) and so the intensity becomes more about strength and stamina, rather than explosive power. This is still very effective, but just different!

Back Squat Modifications

If you do not have the Back Squat available to you or you just don’t like it (like me) you can use any squat variation today. The Barbell Front Squat would be my first suggestion, although a Barbell Overhead Squat would also work. But beware, the Overhead Squat may be making a heavy appearance in a similar workout next week! If you do not have a barbell available, try a variation from the Dumbbell Squat Variations video. Also, some folks will still be challenged by just working on 3 x 8-12 Air Squats! If the squat motor pattern isn’t happening for you today, try a single leg movement like Lunges, Split Squats, or Box Step Ups!

Strict Press Modifications

Listen, the 1 Rep Max Strict Press is a jerk. I hate it. I hate it because mine is laughable! So, don’t expect to move much weight on this one…*grumbles and kicks rocks*

If pressing overhead is not happening for you today, you can go with any other press, but beware that the heavy bench press is coming next week! Other options include Push Ups, Dips, Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, and the Floor Press.

Deadlift Modifications

The deadlift can be performed with a standard barbell, a trap bar, single or double Kettlebells or dumbbells, or an odd object. As long as you are picking up something heavy off of the ground, you are deadlifting! If you are looking for a movement that is similar but less… heavy… go with the Single Leg RDL! If you need something super light just to work on your hinging motion, try some slow PVC Good Mornings.

Cool Down

1-2min in Couch Stretch on Each Leg

1-2min in Pigeon / Figure 4 on Each Leg

Child’s Pose for as long as you need

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