CrossFit Total #2
1 Rep Max Squat Clean
1 Rep Max Bench Press
1 Rep Max Overhead Squat
General Warm Up
Full Joint Rotation Warmup, then 3-5min of Cardio, followed by…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
5 Slow PVC Break the Bar Squats
10 Power Jumps
Specific Warm Up
No matter how you cut it, this workout is about lifting heavy weights! Be sure you are feeling ready for your squats of choice and your press of choice (many options below) and attack whichever version of this workout you are going to attempt!
Workout of the Day
Option 1:
1 Rep Max Squat Clean
1 Rep Max Bench Press
1 Rep Max Overhead Squat
Option 2:
Squat Clean: 5 x 5
Bench Press: 5 x 5
Overhead Squat: 5 x 5
Option 3:
10 Power Cleans
10 Front Squats
*Rest as needed*
Bench Press: 3 x 8-12
Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press: 3 x 8-12 Each Arm
Workout Notes
If you did last week’s Total #1, this will all look very familiar! If you missed that one last week, please read on and make responsible choices!
First let’s discuss Option 1. This option used to be known as the CrossFit Total #2, but I think that’s an old school idea. I haven’t found it listed that way recently!
A Total simply means that we are looking to hit a certain number of max effort lifts, and then total up the weights lifted. That is our score. In Powerlifting, the total consists of the Back Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. In Olympic Weightlifting, the total is the sum of your best Snatch and your best Clean and Jerk. For us today, we are totaling up your bestSquat Clean, Bench Press, and Overhead Squat. This means that we are looking to work up to, and find, the single heaviest rep that you can achieve with good form. These moves are all tougher/more complex than last week’s total!
In order for your total to be technically legit, all of these moves must be performed in one session. The quickest I have responsibly made it through a three-lift total is 90min. That being said, if your numbers aren’t very high or you aren’t very experienced with the heavy lifts, it may be quicker for you. The movements today will inherently let you move less weight than last week, but the warm up process may take longer.
Technically, you get 3 attempts at each lift. Do NOT take more than 3 attempts at a max. You will screw yourself up! Give yourself 3 attempts at your heaviest lift and then move on.
If you attempt the total, send me your numbers! I want to see the pay off from all of your hard work!
Important note: Maxing out is VERY intense and requires a certain level of experience and skill. Do not, do not, do not, max out your lifts if you don’t know how to properly bail if/when you get into trouble! Likewise, do not max out if you are still learning these lifts. You may be able to lift more than your body is ready for or end up with an ugly bench press that you pay for for weeks. If you don’t know for CERTAIN that you are ready to max out your lifts, choose one of the other options!
Options 2 and 3 are still strength workouts and they are still hitting the same major lifts, but now we are adding volume (25 reps for Option 2, up to 36 reps for Option 3) and so the intensity becomes more about strength and stamina, rather than explosive power. This is still very effective, but just different!
Squat Clean Modifications
If the squat clean is giving you difficulty, you can break it into two or even three parts. The two part version would be a Power Clean (weight moves from the ground to the shoulders in one smooth motion) and then a Squat. The three part version would be: a Deadlift (weight moves from ground to thighs) then a Hang Power Clean (weight moves from thighs to shoulders) and then a Squat. If you are having trouble putting the whole movement together in a smooth fashion, your first modification should be to break it up into the 2 part or 3 part variations.
If you are planning to replace the overhead squat (later) with the front squat, then for this movement, just do a Power Clean (No Squat!)
If pulling from the ground is no good for you today, do a Hang Squat Clean (Hang Power Clean + Squat) instead.
If the squat part is no good for you today, go for a Power Clean.
Bench Press Modifications
First of all, this Bench Press can be with a barbell and a rack, or modified to Dumbbell Bench Press. If you aren’t in a gym, this can also be a Floor Press. If you aren’t the benching type, this can be replaced with any other press: Push Up, Dip, Strict Press, or Push Press!
Overhead Squat Modifications
Thiiiiiiiis is the trickiest one! First of all, many people don’t have the capacity to max out their overhead squat. Many people don’t have the flexibility or strength to even do an overhead squat! For that reason, choose any version of a squat that works for YOUR body.
The best substitution today would be the Front Squat. However, a Front Squat is essentially the same movement as the Squat Clean. If you would like to Front Squat in place of this Overhead Squat, make sure that you only do a Power Clean for movement number 1 of the day!
If you do tackle the full squat clean in movement number one, switch this Overhead Squat to either a Back Squat or choose one of the Dumbbell Squat Variations.
Cool Down
1-2min in Samson Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min in Pigeon / Figure 4 on Each Leg
1-2min in Saddle Pose