Strength Day
10 Deadlifts
10 Strict Press
10 Strict Pull Ups
:30 Single Arm Plank on Each Arm
*Rest as Needed
General Warm Up
Start with 3-5min of Cardio, followed by….
10 Squats
5-10 Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups
1:00 of Pose Pulls, jogging in place, or go for a quick 200m run
Specific Warm Up
For the Deadlift, Strict Press, and Pull Ups, decide on which variations you are going to use and then warm your way up to a working weight for the day by doing 3-4 sets of 5 reps, adding weight or difficulty each time.
For the Plank, IF you intend to use a single arm plank variation, warm your way there with something like... :30 Front Plank, rest, :10 single arm plank on each arm, rest, then a :20 single arm plank on each arm. That should get you ready!
Workout of the Day
Strength Day
10 Deadlifts
10 Strict Press
10 Strict Pull Ups
:30 Single Arm Plank on Each Arm
*Rest as Needed
Workout Notes
Strength workout! This workout is not meant to be done with any particular speed to it, but of course if you chose to try to complete each round quickly, that would spice it up even more!
Each movement should be done with a weight/variation that is challenging for your 10 reps. What does challenging mean? It means it should be very hard to do 10 reps, but you CAN safely and successfully do it. Maybe you could even do 11 reps, but you definitely could not do 12. Same goes for the plank! You should be able to complete your :30 of plank with your body in one straight line from heels to head. No soggy bottoms!
Rest as long as you need or want between rounds in order to have enough steam to give your all to the next round of work.
Deadlift Modifications
The Deadlift should be a movement that everyone can do, whether it is with a PVC pipe or loaded bar. Keep that low back flat, shoulder blades back and down, and torso rock solid! If you don’t have enough weight to challenge yourself on sets of 10, you can either add a tempo (slow descent + fast lift) to some or all reps, or you can make it more challenging by doing 10 Single Leg RDLs per leg.
Strict Press Modifications
Like the deadlift, everyone should have the ability to press something overhead, whether it’s a small amount of weight or a large one. However, if you aren’t feeling the overhead press today, you can do any type of press. Options would be Push Ups, Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, or Dips. Warning though: tomorrow’s workout has a ton of push ups!
Strict Pull Ups
This will be the toughest movement to modify today! The simplest ways to get this done would be to swap out the pull ups for Bodyweight Rows or a Bent Over Rows variation. However, if you are in a gym and have access to things like an Assisted Pull Up Machine or a pull up bar and resistance bands, feel free to get these done in an assisted manner however you please! The other option would be to go to our Pull Up Strength Page and choose an option from there that is appropriate for your skill level!
Plank Modifications
Depending on how you approach this plank, it could be VERY spicy! For many folks, this workload will be too much. You can either just switch to a standard Front Plank or do Plank Shoulder Taps (slow and controlled) for 30-60 seconds.
Optional Accessory Work
If you have the ability to do Nordic Curls, either with feet anchored or with a partner, do 3-5 sets of 5-10 reps.
If you can’t pull off the Nordic Curls, do 10-15 Hamstring Walkouts in as few sets as possible.
Cool Down
1-2min in Pigeon / Figure 4 on Each Leg
1-2min in Samson Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min in Chest Stretches on Each Side