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Workout 19 - Front Squat Strength

5 x 5

Front Squat

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

5 Split Squats - right leg (no weight)

5 Split Squats - left leg (no weight)

Specific Warm Up

Choose your adventure below and then warm up those specific movements! Once you find a weight that you think is challenging but doable, get after it!


Gym/Barbell Version

*Rest 3-4min between sets

Dumbbell Only Version

5 Rounds

10 Walking Lunges with Dumbbells in Farmers Carry Grip

*Rest 3-4min between sets

**Note: you can use double dumbbells, single dumbbell, no dumbbell, or mix and match.

Accessory Work

Option A: 5min to accumulate as much time in L-Sit as possible.

Option B: Accumulate 2-3min in Hollow Hold

Cool Down

Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each:

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