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Workout 196 - Squat Clean Strength

Strength Day

Squat Clean

5 x 5

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

5 Glute Bridges (Hold a couple of seconds at the top)

20 Jumping Jacks

Specific Warm Up

If you are using a barbell, begin by doing 5 Power Cleans and then 5 Front Squats with an empty bar. After that, spend 5 reps doing 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat. Once that is feeling good, smooth out the two movements into a full Squat Clean for 5 reps. From there, start adding weight gradually on your way to your working weight for the day!

If you are using single or double dumbbells/kettlebells, start with 5 Deadlifts, then 5 Hang Power Cleans, then 5 Double Dumbbell Squats. Once you’ve gone through that once or twice and things are clicking, try to smooth out the motion into a full squat clean. Doing these with double implements is MUCH harder than with a barbell, so it may not take you very many sets to get up to a working weight for the day!

Workout of the Day

Strength Day

Squat Clean - 5 x 5

Workout Notes/Modifications

The idea of this workout is that of a classic, old school “heavy day.” Warm up thoroughly and intelligently, and then give everything you’ve got to the major lift of the day. Each set should be VERY challenging, but also very technically sound. If you need to err on one side or the other, it should be the “technically sound” portion.

If you are working with a barbell, you can drop each rep from the top. They do not need to be touch-and-go. How long can you wait in between reps? I always use the “instagram rule.” If your set of 5 doesn’t fit on Instagram, it wasn’t a set. I’d say a great tempo would be to do one lift, drop it, take a big breath, and then set up for your next lift. This should give you about 5-10 seconds between actual lifts.

If you are using double dumbbells, you have a few options. First, dumbbells are unruly. That’s why I love them and program them a lot. That also means that doing a “heavy” set of 5 squat cleans with them may not be realistic for you. If you need the dumbbells to be lighter in order to control the motion, feel free to crank the rep scheme up to three, four, or five sets of ten reps, instead of five sets of five. This may give you a better workout, depending on your level and the weights you have at home.

If you are using kettlebells, note how this is the only variation that does NOT come from the floor. It comes from the hang, or in the case of KB’s, the back swing. It’s an added grip challenge, for sure!

SIMPLIFY: For many folks, the Olympic lifts (especially without an in-person coach) are just too complicated to grasp and that may stop them from attempting the workout. So we simplify it! What are the many strength benefits of a squat clean? A deadlift and a front squat. So do that! Simple version for today: 3-5 x 5 Front Squat and 3-5 x 5 Deadlift. Boom! Strength!

Optional Accessory Work

3-5 Rounds

:30 Glute Bridge March

1:00 Rest

*Choose your hardest variation!

Cool Down

1-2min in Couch Stretch on Each Leg

1-2min hanging out in the Bottom of the Squat

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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