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Workout 214 - Total Body Strength


10 Single Leg RDL’s - R

10 Single Leg RDL’s - L

10 Strict Press

10 Strict Toes to Bar

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

10 Lunges

25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Single Unders

Specific Warm Up

This workout has three movements in it and the format is that of a strength piece. Whenever it’s a strength piece, especially NOT for time, what we’re looking to do is find a weight that is challenging (but beautiful) for the written rep scheme. Take a few sets to work your way from bodyweight only to whatever weight is right for your Single Leg RDL’s today. Do the same for the Strict Press. Finally, go through the progressions in the Toes To Bar video and decide what’s best for you to do today and warm it up!

Workout of the Day


10 Single Leg RDL’s - R

10 Single Leg RDL’s - L

10 Strict Toes To Bar

Workout Notes

As mentioned in the Specific Warm Up, this is a simple strength piece! You can approach it with as much, or as little, speed as you’d like. The goal is to make each set challenging and unbroken, but technically sound!

Single Leg RDL Modifications

The Single Leg RDL video contains lots of great variations to keep you single-leg-focused, but if you aren’t ready to be working on a single leg, you can go for any standard Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift.

Strict Press Modifications

If you can’t find a strict press variation that works for you, you can swap it out for any type of press. That could be Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, or Floor Press.

Strict Toes to Bar Modifications

This is a tough one! The Toes to Bar video covers lots of options, but if none of them work for you, you can always swap it out for non-hanging variations like Sit Ups, V-Ups, or any crunching/ab motion that works for you. If folding in half is not your jam, replace each set of TTB with 1min of your most challenging Front Plank, Single Arm Plank, or Around the World Plank variation.

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 2-3min in each Side Plank, however you want!

Cool Down

1-2min in Saddle Pose

1-2min in the Bottom of the Squat

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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