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Workout 237 - Upper Body Strength

Strength Day

Strict Press

5 x 5


3 x 8-12

General Warm-Up

3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

Specific Warm Up

Today’s all about warming up to, and then putting all of your effort into, the 5 sets of Strict Press. Start with an empty bar (or a light weight) and steadily work your way up to a challenging weight for the day! I’d recommend starting with an empty bar set of 10 reps, then doing sets of 3 reps as you work your way up. Once you reach a weight that feels like it’ll be challenging for 5 reps (like MAYBE you could do 6, but not 7) then you are ready!

Workout of the Day

Strength Day

5 x 5

3 x 8-12

Workout Notes & Modifications

As mentioned in the specific warm up, this day is all about putting everything you’ve got into your 5 sets of 5 strict presses. They should be extremely tough, but technically sound. Also, allow yourself to move the weight around if need be! It’s ok if not every set is the same weight. What matters is the effort and technique on each set.

The Strict Press can be swapped out for any pressing motion that suits you, but keep it strict, if possible. That means the preferred options are Strict Press, Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Floor Press, Dips, or Push Ups.

The Pullover is a very underrated movement that really helps stretch and build the upper body, so I like to include it as a secondary piece on these days.

Optional Accessory Work

3-5 Rounds

:30 Hang Power Cleans - Right Arm

:30 Push Press - Right Arm

:30 Hang Power Cleans - Left Arm

:30 Push Press - Left Arm

:30 Rest

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side

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