Alt EMOM x 4 ROUNDS (12min)
Min A: 20 Weighted Lunges
Min B: 10 Strict K2E
Min C: 5-10 Nordic Curls
Min D: Rest
General Warm Up
Cardio of choice for 3-5min, then…
5 - 10 Scapular Drills on Pull Up Bar*
*Or in push up / plank position!
Specific Warm Up
Today’s workout is a bit of a strength piece. As per usual with our strength pieces, we want to spend our specific warm up time working through each movement and deciding on weights and variations that will make each exercise extremely challenging, but technically sound! For today, it will be about deciding on a weight and variation for the lunges (10 each leg), navigating a potential lack of pull up bar for the Strict K2E, and making yourself a station for your Nordic Curls!
Workout of the Day
Alt EMOM x 4 ROUNDS (12min)
Min A: 20 Weighted Lunges
Min B: 10 Strict Knees to Elbows
Min C: 5-10 Nordic Curls
Min D: Rest
Workout Notes
This workout is a timed strength piece. EMOM means “Every Minute On the Minute.” You’ll need to set a clock, stop watch, or workout timer (highly recommended!) to beep every minute. On the first minute, you’ll do 20 lunges (10 per leg.) That may only take about 40 seconds. If that’s the case, you will REST for the remainder of the minute. The second minute will be 10 Strict Knees to Elbows, or whatever core substitution you choose. Again, this will probably not take up the whole minute. Rest for the remainder of the minute. The third minute is the same deal, but with Nordic Curls. The fourth minute is just rest! That was one round. You’ll repeat that 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds, or 12 minutes. Entiende?
Lunge Modifications
The lunge is meant to be 10 tough reps of single leg work on each leg. That’s all! That means these can be any lunge variation from the video (with weight or no weight,) or Box Step Ups (with weight or no weight,) or anything from the Split Squat video (with weight or no weight.) Single leg for life! If you can’t do single leg for some reason today, go with an Air Squat or Dumbbell Squat Variation for 20 reps.
Strict Knees to Elbows Modifications
For this movement, we are looking to do some serious crunching and tucking of the pelvis! The Toes to Bar / Knees to Elbows video covers just about every hanging variation there is, but if you can’t find a place to do any of those, go with something on the ground. This could be V-Ups, Sit Ups, any crunching movement that is safe for you and your body, Hollow Holds, or even the dreaded L-Sit!
Nordic Curl Modifications
This move can be hard to pull off due to either needing an anchor for your feet or a PERSON to anchor your feet. Many of you use the gym at Anytime Fitness where I just bought a glute station that is perfect for these! If you have no way to do them, go with another hamstring centric movement like Hamstring Walkouts, Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, or a hamstring curl machine at your gym. Or, I don’t know if any of you have the Monkey Feet thing, but this is precisely what it’s for!
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 2-3min in each Side Plank, breaking it up however you’d like.
Cool Down
1-2min of Couch Stretch on each leg
1-2min of Forward Folds (on each leg, if necessary)