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Workout 251 - Unilateral Strength

3-5 Rounds - NOT For time

10 Single Arm DB Rows - Right Arm

10 Single Arm DB Strict Press - Right Arm

10 Single Leg RDL - Left Leg

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10 Single Arm DB Rows - Left Arm

10 Single Arm DB Strict Press - Left Arm

10 Single Leg RDL - Right Leg

*Rest as needed between rounds

General Warm Up

3 - 5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by the Joint Rotation Warm up. Then…


:10 - :20 of PVC Front Rack Stretch on Each Arm



5-10 Push Ups

Specific Warm Up

This workout is sort of goofy looking, but it’s truly only three moves. Dumbbell Row, Strict Press, and Single Leg RDL. Test them all out and make sure you have weights you can use for each movement, for 10 reps, safely.

Workout of the Day

3-5 Rounds - NOT For time

10 Single Arm DB Bent Over Rows - Right Arm

10 Single Arm DB Strict Press - Right Arm

10 Single Leg RDL - Left Leg

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10 Single Arm DB Bent Over Rows - Left Arm

10 Single Arm DB Strict Press - Left Arm

10 Single Leg RDL - Right Leg

*Rest as needed between rounds

Workout Notes

This workout is NOT for time and should be considered a strength workout! That should be great news, considering yesterday’s battle! The idea behind this workout is to find a single dumbbell (or kettlebell) that you can hang onto for the whole complex. For example, I can take my single 50lb DB that I have at home and do 10 presses with it in my right hand, then immediately go into 10 Single Arm Rows with it in my right hand, and then do 10 Single Leg RDL’s on my left leg, with the bell in my right hand. So the whole complex is done with the weight in the right hand, then switch hands and do it all on the left. There isn’t meant to be a break in between the two hands, but I separated it above just so it didn’t look too complicated to read. Entiende?

Because this is a strength workout, you don’t need to go from round to round with any particular speed. Feel free to rest as needed after each round and only do as many rounds as it feels right for you and your beautiful bod.

This workout isn’t super complicated and each movement has lots of options in the demo videos. If you need further guidance on modifications, reach out!

Optional Accessory Work

Accumulate 2-3min in a Hollow Hold or Hollow Rocks


Accumulate 1-2min in the dreaded L-Sit

Cool Down

1-2min of Child’s Pose

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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