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Workout 259 - Total Body Strength

Alt EMOM x 5 ROUNDS (20min)

Min A: 8 Bench Press

Min B: 8 Single Leg RDL’s on Each Leg

Min C: Max Front Plank

Min D: Rest

General Warm Up

Start with 3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…


10 Squats

Run 200m (Or 1:00 of running in place, jump rope, or jumping jacks)

Specific Warm Up

Today is a strength day! That means that we just need to take our 3 movements and perform 2-3 short sets, increasing weight or difficulty each time, until we feel like we’ve got our working weights for the day. Not sure what the proper amount should be? Check out the notes section below.

Workout of the Day

Strength Day

Alt EMOM x 5 ROUNDS (20min)

Min A: 8 Bench Press

Min B: 8 Single Leg RDL’s on Each Leg

Min C: Max Front Plank

Min D: Rest

Workout Notes

Strength Day EMOM! I love a strength EMOM. If you’ve never done an EMOM before, it stands for Every Minute On the Minute. This means you’ll need a clock, stopwatch, or workout timer that you can see or hear because we will be changing movements every minute. When you start the clock, you will do 8 Bench Presses. This should take roughly 20-30 seconds. You’ll then REST for 30-40 seconds until the next minute begins. On the top of the second minute, you’ll do 8 single leg RDL’s on each leg. This will take more like 45-50 seconds, so you will then have about 10 seconds to rest until the next minute begins. The next minute, you’ll try to accomplish as much planking in the minute as possible, resting when you need to. The final minute is just rest! What I just described is 1 round, so you’ll repeat the process 4 more times for a total of 5 rounds which will take 20 minutes.

The first thing to remember about a strength workout is that the goal is to challenge yourself with each movement, but not to bite off more than you can chew and end up with sloppy form. That is a recipe for disaster. For each movement, experiment with a weight (or no weight!) and variation that allows you to really challenge yourself, but allows you to stay safe!

Don’t forget that you can also play with the rep count! If you feel like 8 RDL’s on each leg in one minute isn’t doable for you, make it 6 or 4! If you feel like the reps are good, but 5 rounds is too many for you, bring it down to 3 rounds! Make it your own. Always!

Bench Press Modifications

These can be Barbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, or Floor Press, depending on your available set up. If none of those work for you, choose another press like Push Ups, Strict Press, or Dips! Just beware that Dips are coming up on Day 3, so make sure you have some space between this workout and Day 3 if you choose to go that route.

Single Leg RDL Modifications

These will be the toughest move to squeeze into the minute! Whenever I have to do these with high reps (8 or more) in a limited amount of time, I go with the kick stand variation where the non-working foot stays behind with toes on the ground for balance. The video shows many variations, but if it’s just not happening for you, go with a standard Deadlift.

Plank Modifications

Choose your toughest route and get to it! Front Plank, Single Arm Plank, Around the World Plank, etc. Any version that fires up that core for you!

Optional Accessory Work

3 x 10 Glute Bridges with a 2 second hold at the top. If that’s not challenging for you, try single leg!

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side

1-2min of Samson Stretch on Each Side

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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