Squat Clean: 5 x 3
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
PVC Front Rack Stretch for :30 each side, then...
3 Rounds
5 Squats with Pause at the bottom
5 Power Jumps (start easy in round 1, go higher by round 3)
5-10 Sit Ups
Specific Warm Up
Barbell Folks
Take 2 Rounds of the following Complex with an empty barbell, then do an empty bar set of 3 Squat Cleans with your empty bar, before working up to a challenging weight for the workout:
3 Deadlifts + 3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats
Dumbbell Folks
If you have multiple weights available, work your way up using this complex. If you don’t, be sure to ease your way in by doing each round with one arm at a time first. Meaning: the whole complex on the right arm only, followed by the whole thing on the left arm only. When you’re feeling up to it, but it together with both arms at once.
3 Double Dumbbell Swings to eye level + 3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Double DB Front Rack Squats
Workout of the Day
Gym/Barbell Version
Squat Clean: 5 x 3
*Rest at least 2-3min between sets and be sure to really challenge yourself with the weight without letting it get sloppy.
Home/Dumbbell Version
5 Rounds - Not For Time
10 Double Dumbbell Russian Swings (eye level)
*Rest 2-3min between each set.
As with all Dumbbell Strength Days, there’s a lot to play with here. The rep scheme can net you anywhere from 25 - 50 reps of the cleans and squats and you can also play with how much weight you use for each movement. For example, you could use double dumbbells for the swings and cleans, but then switch to a single goblet squat for the squats. Or use lighter weights for the first moves and heavier weights for the later moves. In short, make it your own and be sure we really challenge your lower body and your core!
Accessory Work
Same as Monday! If you missed that one, here’s your chance to work pull up strength. If you got that one in, here’s a second day of the week where the time is budgeted in to work on it. EVERYone needs to improve those pull ups, so this way we will all get it in!
Spend 10min Working on your pull up strength! Lots of options to choose from:
If you have 5-10 Strict Pull Ups, Perform 3 - 5 Max Effort Sets, resting 2min between.
If you have 1 - 5 Strict Pull Ups, use the progressive model, detailed below.*
If you have a pull up bar, but do not yet have a strict pull up, use these 10min to work on chin over bar holds or eccentric chin ups.
If you do not have a pull up bar, use the following tempo for body weight rows on the rings OR Dumbbell Rows: 3-5 sets of 5-10 reps - for each rep, hold at the top for :03 and then take a full :03 to lower to starting position. Squeeze as hard as you can!
*Progressive Model: If you can one pull up, your first session would be 1 - 1 - 1. You’d continue doing that until you can do a set of 2. Then your sessions would be 2-1-1. As you get stronger, the progression would go to 2-2-1, 2-2-2, 3-2-2, 3-3-2, 3-3-3, and so on until you reach 5-5-5. Ideally this model would fit 3x into your weekly workouts.
Cool Down
Hold the following stretches for 1-2min each: