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Workout 273 - Deadlift Strength

Strength Day

Deadlift: 3 x 10

Single Leg RDL’s: 3 x 10 Each Leg

General Warm Up

3-5 min of Cardio of choice, followed by…


Specific Warm Up

The majority of your effort today should be in prepping for the three sets of 10 deadlifts. The general warm up should’ve warmed up your hammies and back muscles with the Good Mornings and the PVC Deadlifts, so now it’s time to move to an empty bar (or light weight) for a slow set of 10. After that, you’ll need to warm your way up to your working weight for the day. I would recommend doing as many warm up sets as it takes (3-5?) and adding weight gradually for each set. For these sets, you may not want to do more than 3 reps at a time because you want to be WARM for the working sets, not exhausted!

Workout of the Day

Strength Day

Deadlift: 3 x 10

Single Leg RDL’s: 3 x 10 Each Leg

Workout Notes

We’ve got a hamstring assault on our hands! Or… hams… oof. I’ll see myself out.

If you are new to reading this type of a workout, what this means is that, after warming up, you’ll do 3 sets of 10 deadlifts. We want these sets to be very challenging, but technically sound. That’s a hard balance to strike! If you feel like your set was a little too easy, add weight for the next one! If you feel like you were starting to lose your form, bring the weight DOWN! Be sure to rest at least 2min between your sets so your body can recover and get ready for the next set.

After you’ve done your 3 sets of 10 Deadlifts, move on and repeat the exact same process with the Single Leg RDL. This is a movement that does not require much weight to be challenging and you will already be fatigued from the heavier deadlifts, so take it easier on these! After that, your hammies and glutes should be toast.


If you are deadlifting, but only have access to weights that are too light to challenge you for 10 reps, add in a slow descent to some or all reps. I’m a big fan of taking the first 5 reps of the set with a slooooow, full 4 second descent, then banging out the last 5 reps at normal speed. That always makes my sets far more exhausting!

If you aren’t going to deadlift, you can do any hamstring/glute-centric movement that works with your body. That could be a Glute Bridge variation, Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, Nordic Curls, Hamstring Walkouts, or if you are in a gym, you can use any hamstring curl machine.

Optional Accessory Work

Tabata: Jump Squats (or Air Squats)

A tabata is 8 rounds. Each round is :20 of work and :10 of rest. In this case, it would mean 8 rounds of :20 of jump squats or air squats, :10 rest. That means it’ll be done in 4 minutes!

Cool Down

1-2min in Pigeon / Figure 4 on Each Leg

1-2min in Samson Stretch on Each Leg

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