ALT. EMOM x 4 ROUNDS (20min)
Min A: 10 Bulgarian Split Squats - R
Min B: 10 Bulgarian Split Squats - L
Min C: 10 Bent Over Rows
Min D: Max L-Sit Hold or Hollow Hold
Min E: Rest
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
6 Spiderman Lunges (3 per leg)
Specific Warm Up
This workout is very much a strength piece and whenever we have that, the goal for the specific warm up is the same. Take some time on each movement (three separate movements today) and find a weight/variation that allows you to complete the workout as written, but that is very challenging for all sets! Once you have your weights/variations ready to go, set up your clock and let’s do this!
Workout of the Day
ALT. EMOM x 4 ROUNDS (20min)
Min A: 10 Bulgarian Split Squats - R
Min B: 10 Bulgarian Split Squats - L
Min C: 10 Bent Over Rows
Min D: Max L-Sit Hold or Hollow Hold
Min E: Rest
Workout Notes
Another strength-oriented day! I love it! This kind of workout is my favorite way to get strong, personally. If you are unfamiliar with what ALT EMOM means, let’s break it down!
ALT. EMOM stands for Alternating Every Minute On the Minute. In this type of workout, you’ll be assigned a number of movements (in this case 5) and you will do one of them each time your clock hits the top of a new minute. You’ll want a workout timer for this as it makes it a whole lot easier to keep track of things. The first minute, you will do 10 split squats on your right leg. That should take you 20-30 seconds if you are challenging yourself. That means you’ll have 30-40 seconds to rest before the next minute starts. On the top of the next minute, you’ll do 10 split squats on the other leg and, again, rest until the minute is over. At the top of the next minute, you’ll do 10 bent over rows (on each arm, if necessary) and then wait for the rest of the minute. Minute D is different because you want to do as much holding of an L-Sit or Hollow hold as possible. So on this minute, you will work right up until the end of the minute. Our final minute is rest! Repeat that whole sequence 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds which will take 20 minutes.
Bulgarian Split Squat Modifications
Any variation from the Split Squat video will do! If you aren’t into the Split Squat variations, you can also choose a Lunge Variation, Step Up Variation, or you can keep yourself on two feet for a Dumbbell Squat Variation.
Bent Over Row Modifications
There are many variations in the video, but if you aren’t into any of those, go with another pulling movement like Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows.
L-Sit/Hollow Hold Modifications
Oof this will be a really tough one. It’s all about the T.U.T.! Time Under Tension. Squeeze! If none of the variations in the videos work for you, you can go with the all-time champ of TUT, the Plank! Front Planks, Around the World Planks, or Single Arm Planks would be best here. Heads up, there will be planking in the workout tomorrow, so if you can, I’d try for a supine position for your TUT today.
Optional Accessory Work
More TUT! Accumulate 2-3 minutes in each Side Plank. Partition as desired!
Cool Down
1-2min in Saddle Pose
1-2min in PVC T-Spine Stretch