Strength Day
Strict Press
3 x 10
3 - 5 Sets of:
Max Effort Push Ups
Max Effort Dips (Bodyweight Only)
General Warm Up
3-5min of cardio of choice, followed by…
3 Inchworms with a Push-Up
5 Sit Ups
Specific Warm Up
Oooooh today is all about that PRESSIN’. The inchworm push ups in the general warm up should wake up your shoulders and triceps, but if you feel like you need to hit some PVC Pass Throughs or Down Dog to Cobras before getting into it, go right ahead!
Once you are ready, start light and work your way up to your challenging weight of the day on your strict presses. I’d recommend 3 x 5, adding weight gradually until you think you’ve found a challenging weight for a set of 10.
Workout of the Day
Strength Day
3 x 10
3 - 5 Sets of:
Max Effort Push Ups
Max Effort Dips (Bodyweight Only)
Workout Notes
PU-PUSH IT REEEEAL GOOD! Big ol’ pressing day on the docket. This day should be very challenging and taxing on your chest, shoulders, and triceps. There are a fair amount of sets of some very challenging movements, so the weights (if any) will have to stay light. The format of this workout is such that I want you to do a challenging set of 10 Strict Presses, then rest 2-3min. Then repeat that process for sets two and three. THEN move on to either 3-5 sets of Max Effort Push ups or Dips, again, resting at least 2-3min between each attempt. See modifications for how to handle the “max effort” part.
Movement Modifications
For all of the movements today, any press will do! That means that if you are not looking to press vertically, press horizontally! If you aren’t looking to press horizontally, press downward! No way to press downward? Press vertically! Get it? Here’s the list of all of our standard pressing movements:
For the “Max Effort Sets:” This means doing as many as possible in one set until fatigue sets in and you either fail a rep, or stop due to a breakdown in form. The tricky thing here is to set yourself up with some movements (variations of movements) that allow you to do enough reps in a row to hit fatigue! For example, if I can do 15 push ups in a row, my first set will probably be 15 reps. I’ll be tired for my second set, so maybe I’ll only get 12 reps. Then I’ll be really tired for my last set, so maybe I’ll only get 9 or 10. That sounds like a good workout! If I can only do 2 push ups, max, then my first set will be 2. My second set…. MAYBE one? And third set, I probably won’t get one. Now that doesn’t sound like a great workout. Verdad? So humble yourself, leave your ego out of it, and choose movement variations from the videos that allow you to do a fair amount of reps with perfect form! Hell yes to the knee push ups!
Optional Accessory Work
3 x 10 Pull Overs - Stretch those chests and lats!
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side
1-2min of Triceps Stretch on each arm