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Workout 293 - Lower Body Strength

Strength Day

Back Squat

3 x 8-12


3 Sets

20 Alternating Lunges (AHAP)

5 Nordic Curls

:30 Arch Hold

*Rest as needed.

General Warm Up

3-5min of cardio of choice, followed by…


5 Slow Squat + 5 Jump Squats

10 Lunges

5 Strict Press with empty bar (or 5 each arm with dumbbell)

25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Jump Rope

Specific Warm Up

This is a two parter and I’d like you to warm up each piece before you do it. We’ll be doing more like these coming up, so this will start to look familiar. What I mean by that is…

First, do a set of 10 empty bar back squats (or 10 light dumbbell squats.) After that, doing sets of 5, gradually add weight until you feel like you are at a challenging place for your sets of 8-12 Back Squats. Then, do that part of the workout.

When you are done with the Back Squats, warm up each movement of the next piece by doing 2-3 sets of each, 3-5 reps at a time of the Lunges and Nordics, with a short 5-10 second arch hold. Once you feel comfortable with those movements, hit GO on that portion of the workout.

Workout of the Day

Strength Day

Back Squat

3 x 8-12


3 Sets

20 Alternating Lunges (AHAP)

5 Nordic Curls

:30 Arch Hold

*Rest as needed.

Workout of the Day

Strength Day

3 x 8-12


3 Sets

20 Alternating Lunges (AHAP)

Rest as needed

Workout Notes

A two part Strength Day! As mentioned above, we will be doing more Strength Days in this format coming up, so this will start to be a familiar deal.

The goal today is to take your time, give all of your effort to each set, and get strong! For the Back Squats, make sure you are making these very challenging for yourself, but that the form stays very, very sound. The weight may go up or down throughout these sets! Be sure to rest 2-3min between each set to let your legs fully recharge for the next set.

Once you are done with your 3 very hard sets of Back Squats, move on to the Circuit. These are meant to be done all in a row, but at your own pace. If you are feeling spicy, you can push the pace from movement to movement and rest at the end of each “round.” If you would rather take your time between each movement, that’s cool too! Rest as needed.

Back Squat Modifications

Any weighted squat will do here! Feel free to use Front Squats (I do!), Overhead Squats, or any version found in the Dumbbell Squat Variations video. Keep these squats deep and beautiful!

Lunge Modifications

Anytime you see lunges, know that the goal is single leg strength. These sets are written to be 20 reps of Alternating Lunges, which means 10 per leg, per set. If you would like to switch to a different single leg movement like Pistol Squats, Box Step Ups, or Split Squats, make sure you are using 10 reps per leg, per set!

Nordic Curl Modifications

This movement can be replaced with any hamstring strengthener! You can use a hamstring curl machine at your gym, Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, or Hamstring Walkouts. If those are all out of reach for you, go with Glute Bridges instead!

Arch Hold Modifications

The Arch Hold should be something everyone can do, but you may need to bring down the time and do small chunks. If Arch Holds are a no-go for you, try doing slow and controlled Good Mornings with no weight.

Optional Accessory Work

None! Today is a complete sesh! Spend extra time cooling down.

Cool Down

1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Leg

1-2min ofForward Folds on Each Leg, If Necessary

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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