Strength Day
3 x 8 -12
10 Single Leg RDL’s on Each Leg
10 Box Step Ups on Each Leg
:30 Hollow Hold
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, then perform the Joint Rotation Warmup, followed by...
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
Specific Warm Up
Just like our two-parter strength day last week, I want you to first just focus on getting ready for the deadlift. Start with a set of 10 reps with an empty bar or light weight. After that, do sets of 5, working your way up to a challenging weight for the day. Then, do you WORKING sets of deadlifts.
After the deadlifts, do the following, gradually adding weight, until you are ready for the circuit:
3 ROUNDS - Nice and Easy
4 Single Leg RDL’s
4 Box Step Ups
:10 Hollow Hold
Workout of the Day
Strength Day
3 x 8 -12
10 Single Leg RDL’s on Each Leg
10 Box Step Ups on Each Leg
:30 Hollow Hold
Workout Notes
Strength Day! Give everything you’ve got to each set of deadlifts. They should be VERY challenging, but with the deadlift, we always want to be extra cautious so don’t get carried away! Rest at least 2 minutes between each set.
When the deadlifts are done, move on to the circuit. This is NOT for time. You can choose to push the pace if you are feeling like a world-beater or you can take your time and work through it if you aren’t feeling the high intensity today. Just make sure each weight and variation are challenging!
Deadlift Modifications
The deadlift is a tough, but essential movement! If you can’t get the weight to the ground with a flat back, only go down as far as you can while keeping a beautiful, neutral spine. If this movement just isn’t happening for you, you can do slow and thoughtful Good Mornings or if you are looking for more glute work, you can do Glute Bridges and/or Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls instead.
Single Leg RDL Modifications
The video for this movement goes over a ton of very doable variations including using your foot as a kickstand. You can also use a PVC pipe for balance! However you brace yourself, everyone should be able to find a version of this that works for them.
Box Step Up Modifications
If you don’t have anything to use as a step, use a Lunge Variation instead!
Hollow Hold Modifications
The Hollow Hold video covers everything you need. Remember that the goal is to tuck yourself up into a ball and smash your low back into the floor. I find that most people try to move to a more stretched out variation too quickly and they sacrifice the tuck of the hips and the low back. Stay in a ball if you want! The crunch should be gnarly!
Optional Accessory Work
None! Today is a complete strength sesh!
Cool Down
1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 Stretch on each leg
1-2min of Forward Fold on each leg, if necessary