Strength Day
1 Rep Max Squat Clean
3 x 5 Deadlift, then 3 x 5 Front Squat
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
10 V-Ups or Toes to Bar
20 Mt. Climbers
Specific Warm Up
Let’s split this up between Squat Cleans and the Deadlift + Front Squat Combo.
Squat Cleaners: Start with an empty bar and complete the following sequence 3 times:
1 Power Clean (from shin level) + 1 Front Squat + 1 Squat Clean. Once you’ve done that 3 times with an empty bar, add some weight and do it again. After that, add some weight and do a set of 3. Then add some weight and do a set of 2. Then continue adding weight and just doing 1 single rep until you reach your max for the day.
Deadlift/Front Squatters: Start by doing an empty bar set of 10 reps. After that, add weight gradually until you reach a very challenging weight for 5 reps. Then perform your 3 x 5. Switch over to Front Squats and use the exact same progression.
Workout of the Day
Strength Day
1 Rep Max Squat Clean
3 x 5 Deadlift, then 3 x 5 Front Squats
Workout Notes & Modifications
Today is all about strength and power! Take your time working your way through the stuff in the Specific Warm Up.
If you are working on Squat Cleans, the goal is to work up to your heaviest successful single rep. If you are not a fan of “maxing out” (finding your heaviest successful rep,) feel free to do 5 x 3 instead. If you do not have a barbell, you can still do Squat Cleans, but you may need to do more reps in order to challenge yourself at home. I would recommend changing your rep scheme to something like 5 x 3 or 5 x 5, depending on how challenging your dumbbells are.
If you are working on the Deadlift and Front Squat combo in a gym, this is all very well laid out already. If you are at home and only have your dumbbells, you may need to add some tempos to your lifts to make them more challenging. You’ll still be doing Deadlifts, but obviously doing some sort of Double Dumbbell Squat Variation instead of Barbell Front Squats. For both movements, try doing some or all of your reps with a 42x2 tempo. That means you squeeze alllllll of your muscles as tight as you can while you take 4 full seconds to lower to the bottom of your rep, then spend 2 full seconds squeezing at the bottom of the rep, then come up quickly and aggressively, and hold for 2 seconds at the top while you reset. 4 down, 2 at the bottom, X up (fast), 2 at the top; 42x2.
Optional Accessory Work
Perfect day to get in 10-20min of Long Slow Distance work! Translation: spend 10-20min with your heart rate in a moderate, steady place. Think power walk, easy jog, or bike ride!
Cool Down
1-2min in Pigeon / Figure 4 on Each Side
1-2min in Samson Stretch on Each Side