Strength Day
Deadlift: 5 x 5
3 Sets - Not For Time
8-12 Push Ups
8-12 Bodyweight Rows
8-12 Strict Toes to Bar
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
10 Lunges
5-10 Push Ups
50 Jumping Jacks (or a 200
Specific Warm Up
First, start by performing a set of 10 Deadlifts with an empty bar or light weight, using the variation you plan to use in the first part of today’s workout. After that, gradually work your way up in weight, using sets of 2 or 3 reps at a time, until you reach a challenging weight for your 5 x 5 of deadlifts. Perform your 5 x 5.
The strength circuit is made up of Push Ups, Bodyweight Rows, and a strict ab movement. We already did a good number of Push Ups and Bodyweight Rows in the general warm up so just take a few sets to navigate whatever your Strict Toes To Bar variation will be.
Workout of the Day
Strength Day
Deadlift: 5 x 5
3 Sets - Not For Time
8-12 Push Ups
8-12 Bodyweight Rows
8-12 Strict Toes To Bar
Workout Notes
I love a good strength day! As noted in the specific warm up, I want you to first warm up for, and perform, the 5 sets of 5 deadlifts. Give that section your all! Be sure to rest at least 2min between each set so your body can fully recharge and you can lift the maximal amount of weight with gorgeous form.
After your deadlifts, perform the circuit. Note that this is NOT “For Time,” which means you can take it at whatever pace you’d like. Rest whenever you need to. Just make sure you give these sets whatever you have left in the tank after those deadlifts!
Deadlift Modifications
The Deadlift should be a movement we can all complete, be it with a loaded bar, single or double dumbbells, or a PVC pipe! However, if for some reason the hinge movement just isnt’ happening for you today, we still want to try to hit glutes and hamstrings, so consider swapping in one of the following movements: Glute Bridges, Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, Nordic Curls, or Hamstring Walkouts.
Push Up Modifications
No matter which push up variation you choose from the video, remember that the KEY to gaining strength and more push ups is to go the FULL RANGE OF MOTION. Find the variation that allows you to go ALL the way down and up without your form deteriorating and use that one! As per usual, you can swap in any pressing motion you’d like, but note that this workout is bordered by two overhead pressing days (Push Press yesterday, Overhead Squats tomorrow) so you may want to lean towards horizontal pressing, if you can help it: Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, or Floor Press
Bodyweight Row Modifications
Again, this should be a movement we all have in our repertoire, but if you are looking for something different, any pulling exercise will do: Bent Over Rows, Strict Pull Ups, or use cable stations at your gym!
Strict Toes to Bar Modifications
Use any variation you find in the Toes to Bar Video or you can use Sit Ups, V-Ups, any crunch that works for your body, or a Plank Variation. Another option is to use the “Captain’s Chair” at your gym!
Optional Accessory Work
Cool Down
1-2min in Pigeon / Figure 4 on Each Side
1-2min in Child’s Pose