Front Squat: 5 x 5
Pull Up Program
General Warm Up
3-5min of easy cardio to get warm, followed by…
5 Split Squats Right*
5 Split Squats Left*
3 x Inchworm Complex**
5-10 Bodyweight Rows or Strict Pull Ups
:30 of Pose Pulls (or Jumping Jacks)
*This is basically lunge-prep, so they should be bodyweight only. However, as you warm your way through the 3 rounds, if you want to add some light weights, go for it!
**1x Inchworm Complex = Bend over and place hands on the floor, walk your hands out to plank, do 4 Plank Shoulder Taps, do 1 Push Up, then walk your hands back to your feet and stand up.
Specific Warm Up
We’ll have a couple of different options today. One will involve doing sets of squats with either a Barbell or Dumbbells. The other will be our trusty old Dumbbell Squat Complex #1.
If you are doing sets of squats: warm up with a light weight (or empty bar) set of 10 reps. Then, continue doing sets of 3 squats, gradually adding weight until you are up to your “working weight” for the day.
If you are doing the complex: test the whole thing out once with no weight at all and then, if you’ve got the weights available, do it one more time at a light weight before moving on to your “working weight” for the day.
Workout of the Day
Front Squat: 5 x 5
5 Squats with :03 down
6 Reverse Lunges (3 Each Leg)
5 Squats (Regular Tempo)
*Rest 2-3min between rounds
Pull Up Strength Program
Workout Notes and Modifications
Ooooh I love this! The written option today is to do 5 sets of 5 extremely challenging Front Squats with a barbell. These sets need to be very challenging, but very safe! If you do not have a barbell available to you, you can go with a Dumbbell Squat variation. If you need your sets of squats to be more challenging because your weight selection is limited, try adding a :04 slow descent to some (or all) of your reps. Remember to really embrace resting in between sets! 2-3min of rest is essential to let your muscles recharge so you can give the next set your all.
If you would rather burn the legs out in a different way, go for Dumbbell Squat Complex #1! You can do this with no weight, one weight, or double weights. Make it work for you!
When you are done with your leg work, switch over to the Pull Up Strength Program, find the station that suits you best, and get strong!
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 5-15 Wall Walks in as few sets as possible.
Cool Down
1-2min of Couch Stretch on each leg
1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 Stretch on each leg