1 Rep Max Deadlift
General Warm Up
3-5min of cardio of choice, followed by…
5 Slow Squat + 5 Jump Squats
10 Lunges
5 Strict Press with empty bar (or 5 each arm with dumbbell)
25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Jump Rope
Specific Warm Up
HEYOOOH! Big lift day! If you are deadlifting, Start with an empty bar and do a set of 10. After that, gradually increase the weight while doing a couple of sets of 5, then a couple of sets of 3, and then as you get close to your “heaviest” lifts, switch over to just one rep at a time. If you are not going for a heavy deadlift, don’t worry! I got you covered with other options!
Workout of the Day
1 Rep Max Deadlift
Posterior Chain Strength
Deadlift: 3 x 10
8-12 Split Squats Per Leg
8-12 Single Leg RDLs Per Leg
1-2min REST
Workout Notes
HEYOOOOOOH! I love a good deadlift day! Don’t let the “1 Rep Max” part scare you. I’ve got plenty of options for everyone! Let’s categorize them…
Barbell Deadlifters:
If you’ve got a gym or a loadable barbell at home and you want to lift with that, it will most certainly give you the opportunity to go heavier than you can without a bar. If you don’t know what 1 Rep Max means, you probably shouldn’t do it today… However, for you newbies, that means you are going to try to work up to 1 rep of a deadlift that is the heaviest weight you can possibly lift with good form. If you want to do that, all I ask is that you be SUPER SAFE! Err on the side of caution so you can keep training tomorrow and the next day and the next! Even for experienced lifters, the 1 Rep Max can be a little nerve wracking, so if you don’t feel like going for a 1 rep, try a 3 Rep Max or 5 Rep max instead. Of course if you don’t want to go heavy at all, go for the Posterior Chain Strength option.
At-Home Deadlifters:
If you are deadlifting at home, I’m operating under the assumption that you do NOT have enough weight to make a single set of 5 or 3 or 1 feel challenging. So instead, we are going to rock and roll with more volume. If you still don’t have enough weight to make this Posterior Chain day effective, feel free to add a tempo to some of your reps. I’d highly recommend a nice 4 second descent followed by a couple of seconds of a hold at the bottom and then explosive drive up.
Deadlifting, hinging, etc are not for all of our bodies, so below is a list of ALL of the movements in our repertoire that would be considered Posterior Chain focused exercises. Feel free to swap out any of the written exercises with anything from this list if it works better for you!
Optional Accessory Work
Ab Blaster #2 - Around the World
:30 Crunches
:30 Crunches to the left knee
:30 Hip Lifts
:30 Crunches to the right knee
:30 Flutter Kicks
:30 Rest
Cool Down
1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 on Each Leg
1-2min of Child’s Pose