Split Squats: 3 x 8-12 Reps on Each Leg
8-12 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts on Each Leg
5 Box Jumps - As High As Possible
5 Inch Worms with a Push Up
General Warm Up
Start with the Joint Rotation Warm Up, then get in 3-5min of Cardio to get nice and warm, followed by...
6 Reverse Lunges (3 per leg)
5-10 Light Bent Over Rows
5-10 Light Strict Press
Specific Warm Up
Our usual Strength Day warm up is suggested! Just take each movement and make sure you test it for safety/pain. If it’s good for your body today, do 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps of each move and gradually work your way up to a weight that is challenging for the day. What’s a challenging weight? Something you can move with good form for the written reps, but BARELY.
Workout of the Day
Split Squats: 3 x 8-12 Reps on Each Leg
8-12 Single Leg RDLs on Each Leg
5 Box Jumps - As High As Possible
5 Inchworms with a Push Up
Workout Notes
I love a Strength Day! In fact, as I write this, I’m just coming off of our Strength Day back in Week 70 and it was just what the doctor ordered. It’s good to not always fry ourselves out with the high intensity intervals! A well rounded diet of Intervals, Long Slow Distance Cardio, and Pure Strength Training is essential for the long hall! Anyway, off of my soap box…
Today’s workout is not done for speed. The goal is to give everything you’ve got to each set. As noted in the specific warm up, each set (regardless of the weight because it could change from set to set) should be so hard that you could MAYBE only do one more rep, but it would suck. We don’t want it to be so hard that your last rep has bad form, but we want it to be hard enough that you barely get the last one. Rest a long time between your sets (2-3min) to ensure that your muscles are fully recharged for the next go around!
If for any of these movements (particularly the split squats) you don’t have enough weight to make it as challenging as I stated above, add a tempo to some, or all, of your reps. My go-to is usually to take 4 full seconds to descend (squeezing all your muscles!) and then hold for 2 seconds at the bottom (maximum squeeze!) and then come up fast and reset.
Split Squat Modifications
This can be any single leg movement that you’d like that emphasizes the glutes and quads. The list of movements we use in particular at PPF would be: Split Squats, Lunges, Step Ups, Pistol Squats. If you aren’t comfortable on one leg, use Air Squats, Dumbbell Squats, or if you are looking to ramp up the intensity today, you can always fall back on our nasty old friend, Dumbbell Squat Complex #1.
5 Squats with :03 down
6 Reverse Lunges (3 Each Leg)
5 Squats (Regular Tempo)
*Rest 2-3min between rounds
Single Leg RDL Modifications
This is another Single Leg movement, but this one is VERY focused on the Hamstrings and Glutes, as opposed to the Quads and Glutes like the split squat. For that reason, if you need to change it up, the best option would be the Romanian Deadlift or the conventional Deadlift. However, if you need more options, other hamstring exercises include Nordic Curls, Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls, or Hamstring Walkouts.
Box Jump Modifications
This movement is here because it’s been proven that doing some explosive/plyometric right after targeting that muscle group with a strength exercise has major benefits. So we hit the glutes with the RDL’s and then we jump it out! If you don’t have a box, use a modification from the video, Power Jumps, or Jump Squats if you’re feeling spicy.
Inchworm Push Up Modifications
Not feeling the push up part? Just do Inchworms. Not feeling the inchworm part? Just do Push Ups. Not feeling either? Choose a press from our usual menu of options: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press
Optional Accessory Work
3 - 5 Rounds*
10 Single Arm DB Rows + 10 Bicep Curls** - Right Arm
10 Single Arm DB Rows + 10 Bicep Curls - Left Arm
Rest 1:00
*Based on your experience level, your schedule and how you are feeling today!
**This is encouraged to be some sort of “single arm muscle clean.” See video for demo!
Cool Down
1-2min of Couch Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min of Forward Folds
1-2min of Chest Stretches on Each Side