Strength Day
Romanian Deadlifts: 5 x 10
Superset 3-4x
10 Box Step Ups - R
10 Box Step Ups - L
5-10 Strict Pull Ups
10 Bodyweight Rows
General Warm Up
Start with 3-5min of easy cardio of choice to get nice and warm. Then…
10 Air Squats
50 Jump Rope or 25 Jumping Jacks
Specific Warm Up
Today’s workout is a strength workout, so really we just need to make sure we go through each movement and test it, add weight to it (if that’s applicable) and make sure it’s fired up and ready to go! As per usual, every movement is modifiable, so go through each video and figure out which one is best for you and get that sucka heated up. Simple!
Workout of the Day
Strength Day
Romanian Deadlifts: 5 x 10
Superset 3-4x
10 Box Step Ups - R
10 Box Step Ups - L
5-10 Strict Pull Ups
Workout Notes
Anytime we have a Strength Day, the goal is to give all of your effort to each set of each movement. Make sure the movement is right for you and your body, then load it up for as much of a challenge as you can safely handle. Start with doing 5 sets of Romanian Deadlifts, resting for at least 2min between each set, so your muscles can really recharge. When you’re done with your RDL’s, perform 3-4 rounds of the circuit, modifying and resting as needed. Get STRAWNG!
Romanian Deadlift Modifications
The Romanian Deadlift is an easy movement to modify because we are not aiming to get the weight all the way down to the ground. The idea is to go down as far as you can to feel a good stretch in the hamstring and tension in your butt muscles while keeping a neutral spine. No rounded backs! If you need a different movement for some reason, you can go with Single Leg RDL’s or if you need to be really careful, some PVC Good Mornings. Remember, it’s all about feeling it in your hammies and butt, NOT your back!
Step Up Modifications
If you can’t find anything to step up on, you can do Split Squats or Lunges. That’ll do the trick!
Strict Pull Up Modifications
We are doubling up on pulling today! For this first movement, if you don’t have Pull Ups yet, you can use the first section of the Pull Up Strength Program, which describes Negative Pull Ups. If you don’t have a Pull Up Bar, let’s use Bent Over Rows.
Bodyweight Rows
This is one everyone should have a handle on! If you are having trouble with the back to back pulling, hit me up!
Optional Accessory Work
Ab Blaster #2 - Around the World
:30 Crunches
:30 Crunches to the left knee
:30 Hip Lifts
:30 Crunches to the right knee
:30 Flutter Kicks
:30 Rest
Cool Down
1-2min of Forward Folds
1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 on each leg