Strength Day
Overhead Squat: 5 x 5
3-4 Rounds - Not For Time
10 Dips
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
:30 Hollow Hold
:30 Arch Hold
General Warm Up
3-5min Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
5 Inchworms (no push up)
5 Burpees
Specific Warm Up
Just like all of our Strength Days, spend a little time on each movement of the day, making sure that you have a version of each that works for you and your beautiful bod. Once you’ve got them all taken care of, start to work your way up in weight for the Overhead Squat, doing sets of 2-3 reps at a time, until you are at a challenging weight for the 5 x 5.
Workout of the Day
Strength Day
Overhead Squat: 5 x 5
3-4 Rounds - Not For Time
10 Dips
:30 Hollow Hold
:30 Arch Hold
Workout Notes
Strength Day! For this workout, we are not concerned about speed or heart rate. The goal is to challenge muscular strength, balance, and flexibility! For each movement, we need to make sure that when you get to the final rep, it’s extremely challenging but also safe!
The first part of this workout is to attempt 5 sets of 5 reps of the Overhead Squat. This is one of the very MOST challenging exercises in the whole realm of fitness movements! I say this each time we overhead squat, but please, please, please, DO NOT FORCE this movement if it’s not working for you. The average American in 2022 does not have the flexibility to just hop into a proper overhead squat. It takes dedicated time and practice. If you get stubborn and force it, you WILL hurt yourself and that’s the last thing I want. So, if you aren’t able to do the OHS, then use a different squat from the modifications below! Squatting is the main goal today.
After you are done with 5 challenging sets of 5 challenging reps of squats, move on to the circuit. As noted, this is NOT for time, so take as much or as little time as you want to get through these movements. Rest as needed. Just be sure to challenge yourself!
Overhead Squat Modifications
Again, this movement is extremely difficult, so I’d advise most of us to do Front Squats, Back Squats, Dumbbell Squats, or Air Squats. Any squat will dooooooooo.
Dip Modifications
This can be any kind of pressing that works for you! Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press
Sumo Deadlift High Pull Modifications
If this movement isn’t working for you (it can be an awkward one) then do just the deadlift portion without the high pull or a standard Deadlifts. You could also throw in something like Power Cleans to get the explosive upward movement and hit your traps a little more!
Hollow Hold Modifications
Personally, I love the first few steps of the hollow hold progression. Tuck into a ball! However, if you’d rather something else core-related, try holding one of these planks: Front Plank, Side Planks, Around the World Plank, Single Arm Plank, Plank Shoulder Taps.
Arch Hold Modifications
If you can’t get your legs AND upper body off of the floor at the same time, try shooting for one or the other. If you are too tight to even get anything off of the floor, flip it over and hold a Glute Bridge or do the Glute Bridge March instead.
Optional Accessory Work
Get in 3 x 10 of Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls OR Hamstring Curls on a machine at your gym OR accumulate 5-10 Hamstring Walkouts.
Cool Down
1-2min of Happy Baby
1-2min in the Bottom of the Squat