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Workout 403 - Total Body Strength

Strength Day

Superset #1 - 3 Sets

10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts on Each Leg

1:00 of Single Unders

Superset #2 - 3 Sets

10 Split Squats on Each Leg

1:00 Plank

Superset #3 - 3 Sets

5 Hamstring Walkouts

1:00 Arch Hold

Superset #4 - 3 Sets

10 Bodyweight Rows

1:00 Glute Bridge Hold (Double or Single Leg)

General Warm Up

3-5min Cardio of Choice, then…

3 Rounds

5 Inchworms (no push up)

Specific Warm Up

This workout is a strength workout, which means that for each movement, we just need to test a few reps with our specific variation to find a weight (or modification) that is very challenging, but very safe for the necessary reps. For this wacky looking workout, the second move of each superset is the less challenging one, designed to be there for extra core work and to get your heart rate up. The first move of each superset should be the one that needs extra warm up time.

In this kind of workout, another warm up strategy that I like to use is to start warming up the following superset while I’m in my previous working sets. A “working” set is the one that is very challenging and counts, while a “warm up set” is still light and doesn’t count yet. Here’s an example of how I might do it.

From Superset #1

10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts on Each Leg

1:00 of Single Unders

Then.. during my “rest” period, 5 light Split Squats on each leg (From Superset #2)

If I repeat this for all 3 rounds of Superset #1, adding weight to the Split Squats for each round, then by the time I reach Superset #2, my Split Squats are ready to go. Entiendemos?

Workout of the Day

Strength Day

Superset #1 - 3 Sets

Superset #2 - 3 Sets

10 Split Squats on Each Leg

1:00 Plank

Superset #3 - 3 Sets

Superset #4 - 3 Sets

1:00 Glute Bridge Hold (Double or Single Leg)

Workout Notes

Ok this one looks a little funky but it’s actually just a strength workout! As noted in the specific warm up, it’s actually just 4 strength movements (Single Leg RDLs, Split Squats, Hamstring Walkouts, and BW Rows) and each is paired with a core movement that is meant to force some rest time and to keep your heart rate up.

The reason I wrote these as “Supersets” instead of “Rounds” is to reinforce the idea that this is NOT a workout written to be done FOR TIME, or in other words, as quickly as possible. Perform your strength movement, adding weight or finding a variation that allows you to push yourself to the limit while keeping the technique sound, then immediately go into your core-centric movement, then rest as long as you want. 2-3 minutes would be optimal to recharge your body for the next set. Today is about getting strong, balanced, and healthy!

Single Leg RDL Modifications

This is a very tough movement, but it’s one I’d love everyone to try and work on! The video shows ways to do this with your second leg as a “kickstand” for balance, which is actually my favorite way to do them. Don’t be afraid to use that! If the single leg is just not happening for you, go with a standard Romanian Deadlift or Deadlift.

Split Squat Modifications

The Split Squat is a single leg squat variation, so great substitutions would be Lunges, Step Ups, or if you’re a freak, Pistol Squats. However, if you are not ready for single leg work, go with double leg variations like a Dumbbell Squat Variation or Air Squat instead.

Hamstring Walkout Modifications

The Hamstring Walkout should be HARD! If it’s not, you’re probably going too fast. Mas despacio, por favor! This movement can be replaced by any hamstring dominant movement like Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls Nordic Curls or some slow PVC Good Mornings.

Bodyweight Row Modifications

The Bodyweight Row is an upper body pulling motion, so we can replace it with any other pulling motion! Options would be strict Pull Up, the Pull Up Strength Program (which we are doing later in the week, too), Bent Over Rows, or even Sumo Deadlift High Pulls or Bicep Curls!

Secondary Movement Modifications

The second movement of each superset can be replaced with any core-centric thing that works for you, like Front Plank, Side Planks, Around the World Plank, Single Arm Plank, Plank Shoulder Taps, or, depending on your specific back situation, even Hollow Holds or Hollow Rocks. Alternatively, you could go to the Cardio Resources Page and choose anything from there and perform for about 1:00 to keep your heart rate up!

Cool Down

1-2min of Forward Folds

1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 on each side

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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