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Workout 422 - Squat Strength


Dumbbell Squat Complex #1


5 Squats with :03 down

6 Reverse Lunges (3 Each Leg)

5 Squats (Regular Tempo)

*Rest 2-3min between rounds



10 Dips or Push Ups

10 Strict Pull Ups

20 Box Step Ups

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio of choice, then…


Specific Warm Up

Warming up for the Dumbbell Squat Complex is always easy. Just perform the whole thing one time through with no weight at all, then make the call on whether you should add any weight! Then say goodbye to your leggies…

Workout of the Day



5 Squats with :03 down

6 Reverse Lunges (3 Each Leg)

5 Squats (Regular Tempo)

*Rest 2-3min between rounds



10 Strict Pull Ups

20 Box Step Ups

Workout Notes

Big ol’ strength day today! The Dumbbell Squat Complex should be performed in full before moving on to the second part of the day. Five rounds is a LOT for that Dumbbell Squat Complex (it burns!) so don’t be afraid to move that down to 3 or 4 rounds instead.

After you’ve completed the whole Squat Complex section of the day, move on to the second part. This is just strength work at your own pace. Push, Pull, Step Up. This should be 10 Step Ups PER leg. Alternate if you’d like, or do 10 on one side and then 10 on the other.

Squat Complex Modifications

This Squat Complex requires the ability to Squat AND Lunge. If you can’t squat, just do sets of 10-20 Lunges. If you can’t lunge, then perform 5 sets of 5 Tempo Squats (the :03 descent) and then 5 without a slow descent.

Dip/Push Up Modifications

Any pressing will do! Try any of these options: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press

Strict Pull Up Modifications

If you can do 5+ Strict Pull Ups, go ahead and do what you can! If you cannot do 5+ Pull Ups, let’s go with Bodyweight Rows or Bent Over Rows instead.

Box Step Up Modifications

If you don’t have a box for step ups, go with Single Leg RDLs or standard Romanian Deadlifts instead.

Optional Accessory Work

If you’ve got any extra time and/or energy, get in 10-20min of moderate intensity, steady cardio. Go on a power walk, jog, bike, or row at a pace that is maintainable for a long duration.

Cool Down

1-2min of Samson Stretch on each side

1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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