Heavy Day
6 x 3
General Warm-Up
3-5 minutes of Cardio of choice, then…
10 Glute Bridges with a :02 hold at the top
:10 Hollow Hold - Alligator Roll - :10 Arch Hold
5-10 Push Ups
Specific Warm-Up
Barbell Folks: Be sure to work your way slowly but surely to your working weight for the day. My personal preference is to start with lighter weights and higher reps, and then work my way down the rep scheme as I get closer to my working weight. For example…
10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 3 (almost working weight) - 3 at working weight or mayyyybe go up one more time. Then, I’m ready to start my 6 working sets.
Dumbbell Folks: Your version is a repeat of Week 2, Day 1 (originally posted 1/11/21) so it may look familiar. It involves doing some number of single leg deadlifts (with or without weight) and then some number of double legged deadlifts. Work your way slowly from doing body weight/PVC only up to your chosen versions and loading for the day.
Workout of the Day
Barbell Version
6 x 3
*Rest as needed (at least 2:00) between sets.
Dumbbell Version
3 - 5 Sets*
5 - 10 Single Leg Deadlifts - Left Leg
5 - 10 Single Leg Deadlifts - Right Leg
- Rest 2:00 after each set -
*Depending on your fitness level and how you’re feeling today!
Accessory Work
Ab Blaster!
:15 Bicycle Crunches
:15 Sit Ups
:15 Alt. Leg V-Ups
:15 Hollow Hold
:30 REST
Cool Down
Hold the following for 1-2min each: