3 x 10 Bench Press
10 Push Press
10 Bent Over Rows
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
*Rest as needed
General Warm Up
3-5min of eeeeeasy cardio of choice, followed by…
10 Hollow Rocks
:10 Arch Hold
20 Jumping Jacks or :30 Freestyle Jump Rope
Specific Warm Up
For the Bench Press, start with 10 reps with an empty bar or light weight. Then, perform however many sets of 3 reps you need, gradually adding weight each time, until you’ve reached a weight that you think will be challenging for 10 reps.
For the other movements, follow a similar pattern to the bench, but you should be quite warm by then, so it may not take very long to test each movement, choose a weight, and rock and roll.
Workout of the Day
3 x 10 Bench Press
10 Push Press
*Rest as needed
Workout Notes
If you’ve been following our Fitness Program for a while now, I’m sure you can tell that I love this format for a strength day! Start with the Bench Press and give that section your all. Each set of 10 reps should be EXTREMELY hard without you risking injury. That means that the weight may not be the same for every set. Maybe you’ll raise the weight a little, maybe it’ll have to drop down. Treat each set as its own adventure and make sure it’s very hard, but very safe.
After that, there is a 3 move circuit that you can take at your own pace. Move as quickly or as slowly as you want to through these movements and rest when you need to!
Bench Press Modifications
Anything from the pressing menu works! Push Ups, Dips, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press.
Push Press Modifications
If the coordination of the Push Press isn’t working well for you, you can simplify this movement by turning it into a Strict Press instead. You can also get creative with your “overhead” movements and do something like Down Dog to Cobra, Handstand Push Ups, or Handstand Holds!
Bent Over Row Modifications
Any Pulling motion fits the bill here, but Bodyweight Rows would be the number one choice if you don’t have weights available to you.
Kettlebell Swing Modifications
This Swing should be more about keeping your heart rate up than being super muscularly taxing. If you need to modify it, you can do a standard Deadlift instead, but be aware that the Day 4 workout has heavy Deadlifts in it. If you plan to do that one tomorrow, don’t go heavy on the Deadlift today!
Optional Accessory Work
Perform 3-5 Sets of 5-10 Strict Hanging Knee Raises or Strict Toes To Bar. If you don’t have the ability to hang from something, go ahead and do the same with Sit Ups, V-Ups, or the Plank of your choice.
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side
1-2min of Triceps Stretch on each arm