10 Heavy Deadlifts
10 Heavy Goblet Squats
General Warm Up
Cardio of choice for 3-5min, then…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch per Leg
Specific Warm Up
For each movement, start with a very light weight and perform a slow and careful set of 10 reps. If the movement is safe for you, go ahead and perform sets of 3 reps, adding weight each time, until you get to a weight that is extremely challenging for 10 reps.
Workout of the Day
10 Heavy Deadlifts
10 Heavy Goblet Squats
Workout Notes
This is an interesting workout! So the idea with this one is to choose a weight for each movement that is very challenging for 10 reps. Then, we are going to keep that weight and try to do 5 rounds of 10, FOR TIME. That means we want to get through it as quickly as possible while maintaining safety and technique. Normally, in a workout with challenging sets of 10, we will have fewer rounds and/or rest built in and/or I will tell you to lower the weight as you go on due to fatigue. Not on this one! So if you get to Rounds 3 and you start to do your set of 10 deadlifts, you may only make it through 6 reps before you need a break. That’s ok! But you have to finish the last 4 reps before you move on to the Squats. Similarly, we don’t want to rest unnecessarily because this workout is FOR TIME. Tricky!
For the Deadlift, feel free to do any version that works for you. That could be a standard barbell with full range of motion (ground to thighs) or a Romanian Deadlift (Thighs to shins) or using dumbbells or doing Single Leg RDL’s. There are many hinging options! If the Deadlifting variations are not something you are comfortable with, insert any of the Glute/Ham options that are in today’s OPTIONAL ACCESSORY WORK instead.
For the Squats, I’ve specifically written this with the Goblet Squat in mind, due to the added core/upper body challenge that it poses, but feel free to choose any kind of squat you like: Air Squat, Back Squat, Front Squat, Double Dumbbell Squat, or even Pistol Squats if you’ve got them! If Squats aren’t your jam, go with a single leg movement like Lunges, Split Squats, or Step Ups instead.
For either movement, if you are finding that you don’t have enough weight to challenge yourself, add a slow descent to some, or all, reps. My favorite way to do this is to do the first half of the set (in this case 5 reps) with a :04 descent and a :02 hold at the bottom. Painfully slow, squeeeeeze everything. Then, for the second half of the set, move at a regular, faster pace. This always gets me good!
Optional Accessory Work
Perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps (per leg if necessary) on any of the following movements to strengthen that posterior chain!
Cool Down
1-2min of Pigeon / Figure 4 on each side
1-2min of Forward Folds