3-5 Rounds
1 Set Max Rep Bench Press
10 Heavy Deadlifts
3:00 Rest
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of Choice, followed by…
:30 of Jump Rope Progression*
5 Burpees
:15 Arch Hold - Alligator Roll - :15 Hollow Hold
*This is meant to be a 3 round progression, so that in Round 1 you start with your easiest movement, then in Round 2 you would move up to the next, then in Round 3 you finish with the hardest. The order is…
Jumping Jacks -> Single Penguin Taps -> Single Unders with the Jump Rope -> Double Penguin Taps -> Double Unders with the Jump Rope (or Double Under Attempts)
Specific Warm Up
This workout is a little odd! I want you to take 3-4 sets of Bench Press, 3-5 reps per set, and try to find a weight that is challenging for maybe 10-15 reps. More on this in the notes, but try to work your way up to something in that ballpark.
After that, do that same thing with the Deadlift, but we are looking specifically for a challenging set of 10.
Workout of the Day
3-5 Rounds
1 Set Max Rep Bench Press
10 Heavy Deadlifts
3:00 Rest
Workout Notes
Ok this is a new format! Kind of a wacky idea that I had, so let’s go with it and see if we like it. The first thing to note is that this workout is not FOR TIME. You’ve got an option of 3-5 rounds, depending on how you’re feeling and how many reps of Bench Pressing you feel like doing.
The first movement is a 1 Set Max of Bench Press. This means that you will take a set weight on the bench press and do as many reps as you can in one consecutive set. Whenever you end your set, you move on. The question is, how much weight? My recommendation (as I mentioned in the specific warm up) is to choose a weight that you can do 10-15 reps with. That means that as you get tired in the workout, your reps might dwindle from 15 to 10 or from 10 to 5. However, if you are really into higher reps (or only have lighter weights at your disposal,) you could shoot for a weight that challenges you for 20 reps and then drops to more like 12 or 15 by the end. But if you do 5 rounds of that, you’re gonna be hurtin!
The deadlift is meant to get some heavier weights on those legs and LIMIT you to no more than 50 deadlifts in this workout. Don’t over do it!
The 3:00 rest is mandatory. Take it!
Bench Press Modifications
This can be any of our pressing options: Push Ups, Dips, Bench Press, Dumbbell Bench Press, Strict Press, or Floor Press
Deadlift Modifications
This can be any kind of deadlift from the video. If you aren’t comfortable lifting from the ground, use a Romanian Deadlift or a variation of Single Leg Romanian Deadlift. If you aren’t feeling those options, go ahead and choose something from the Posterior Chain Options:
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 1:30 - 3:00 of Side Plank on each side. Break it up as you please!
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches on each side
1-2min of Triceps Stretch on each arm