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Workout 1 - Pull Ups, Push Press, V-Ups

5 Rounds:

General Warm Up:

3-5min of Cardio of choice, then...

3 Rounds:

3 Inchworms (No Push Up)

50 Single Unders or Jumping Jacks

Specific Warm Up: (5-10min)

After completing the general warm up, be sure to warm the specific movements in the workout of the day so that by the time you start the clock, you are super ready to roll!


5 Rounds:

*If you have no way to do pull ups or body weight rows, sub in 10 Bent Over Double Dumbbell Rows.

If the dumbbells you have are light enough that 10 push presses won't ever get very challenging, do this instead:

5 Rounds:

Coach’s Notes:

  • This is a lot of reps for many inexperienced or out-of-practice athletes. If you can’t remember the last time you did 100 sit ups, you should definitely NOT try to do 100 sit ups today! Lower the reps to 10 at a time, for a total of 50, or even fewer if it’s right for you! You could also keep the rep count and just do 3 or 4 rounds instead of 5.

  • Remember, the goal here is to push your heart rate up for 10-15min, while doing some pushing, pulling, and core work. It doesn’t matter what YOUR version of today’s workout is. We just want to try to achieve that goal! Use the linked videos to choose variations that work for YOU, YOUR body, and YOUR life. If none of the resources seem right for you, reach out and I’ll help you!

If you are feeling satisfied and/or low on time, end your session here! If you completed that warm up and did the workout, you nailed it!

If you are ready for more and have another 10-20min to round out an hour long session, continue with the core and/or stretching routine ahead…

Optional Accessories (6min)

3 Rounds: (Nice and easy)

:30 Glute Bridge Hold

:30 Side Plank - Left

:30 Side Plank - Right

:30 Rest


If you have stretching you like to do (or NEED to do and never make time) take your last ten minutes to stretch, foam roll, lacrosse ball, lay on your back in constructive rest, etc. Remember, we always want to leave the session feeling BETTER than when you started!

1-2min of Child’s Pose

1-2min of Triceps Stretch on each arm

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