25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5*
General Warm Up (10-15min)
3-5min Cardio of Choice, then…
3 Rounds
5 PVC Pass Throughs*
5 PVC Deadlifts*
5 PVC Good Mornings*
10 PVC Thrusters*
5 Inchworms (no push up)
5 Burpees
Specific Warm Up (5-10min)
Follow this “Kettlebell Swing Primer” video
Spend some time warming your way up to your working weight of KB Swings for the workout. Be sure to test a set of 10 with your working weight before the workout starts.
Spend some time warming up and choosing a push up variation for the workout. Be sure that you can complete the first set of 25 in under 2min in the first round of the workout!
Workout of the Day (~10min)
25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5*
*This means we’ll do 25 of each movement, then 20 of each movement, then 15, then 10, then finish the workout with 5 of each.
Coach’s Notes:
The goal of this workout is to get in a bunch of pull ups and kettlebell swings, going back and forth between the movements 5 times, and staying out of breath for about 10min.
These Kettlebell swings would ideally be done as full, overhead swings with as heavy a kettlebell as you can safely swing for 25 unbroken reps. If you don’t have a weight heavy enough to challenge you on the swings, feel free to crank the rep scheme up a bit to make up the difference, but even for an experienced athlete, I would refrain from going too far over the 100 rep mark.
There’s a reason these are hand-release push ups. Go. All. The. Way. Down. To. The. Floor. : ) No matter which variation you choose (and there are so many!) you should always go all the way down. Full range of motion on a knee push up is lightyears better than half-way down on a toe push up. Full range of motion = functionality. Functionality = happy, healthy body!
This is a ton of push ups for most folks to try to do in a “short” amount of time. I do want this workout to be relatively short and get you out of breath, so if it’s going to take you more than 2min to do the first 25 push ups, you should definitely drop the rep count and/or push up variation down! Remember: The goal is not to do 75 push ups and 75 swings. The goal is to go back and forth between the two movements, staying out of breath for about 10 minutes.
If you are feeling satisfied and/or low on time, end your session here! If you completed that warm up and did the workout, you nailed it!
If you are ready for more and have another 10-20min to round out an hour long session, continue with the extras ahead…
3 - 5 Rounds*
10 Single Arm DB Rows + 10 Bicep Curls** - Right Arm
10 Single Arm DB Rows + 10 Bicep Curls - Left Arm
Rest 1:00
*Based on your experience level, your schedule and how you are feeling today!
**This is encouraged to be some sort of “single arm muscle clean.” See video for demo!
Cool Down
Hold the following stretches for 1-2min on each side:
Seated forward fold with single or double legs