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Workout 106 - Dips and Pull Ups

Death By: Strict Dips


Death By: Pull Ups

General Warm Up

3-5min of Cardio, followed by…


25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Double Unders

10 Lunges

10 V-Ups

Specific Warm Up

Depending on whether or not you are doing dips and pull ups, or a different type of push and pull, find your specific variation for the day and get it feeling warm and ready!

Workout of the Day

Death By: Strict Dips


Death By: Pull Ups

Workout Notes

Oooooookay this workout is going to be a crazy pump! Essentially, what we’re looking for is a to do a ton of pushing work (until you are very fatigued) and then do a ton of pulling work (until you are very fatigued.) Whether that’s doing dips or pull ups truly doesn’t matter. It’s all about finding the right push and pull for YOU and YOUR bod.

The format of this workout is lovingly known as “Death By…” but please, do not die. I do not want you to do that. I want you to live your dreams. The way a “Death By” works is that we will start a clock and on the first minute, you will just do one rep. In this case, it would be a dip. One dip will take 2 seconds, literally, so you will then rest for the next 58 seconds. On the second minute, you’ll do two reps and rest for the next 56 seconds. The third minute, you’ll do three reps. The fourth minute, you’ll do 4. And so on until you can no longer complete the desired number of reps in the assigned minute. That is traditionally, the end of the workout.

However, in OUR workout today, once you end the dip (pressing) “Death By” we will start alllllll over again with the Pull Up (pulling) death by. When you have successfully exhausted THOSE muscles, you are done!

Modifications for Dips

The dip is an incredibly hard movement! Very few folks will find it to be the right movement to get in a lot of reps in a short amount of time. Remember that, as always, the emphasis is always on the QUALITY of the movement FIRST. So if your dips are not to the full depth, or your elbows are flaring out, or there’s ANY kind of pain, this is not the right move for you today!

Side note: do NOT do “bench dips.” Many folks are totally fine with these, but they have proven to have a very high injury rate! This is why I never include them as options for pressing days.

Other pressing options that can get the job done today:

Modifications for Pull Ups

This workout was designed to use kipping pull ups, but strict will do as well! The only danger is that if you choose a movement that is too tough for you (and remember, these will be after you’ve SMOKED your arms with the first part) then you may not get very many rounds in. So be sure to choose a version that gives you enough time to get in a decent amount of quality reps!

Similarly to the pressing section, and kind of pull will do here. This could mean using the assisted pull up machine, doing pull downs on a cable station or with bands, assisted pull ups with bands, or our classic substitutions of the Bodyweight Row or the Bent Over Row.

Optional Accessory Work

However you please, accumulate 3:00 in Hollow Hold and 3:00 in Arch Hold

Cool Down

1-2min of Chest Stretches

1-2min of Triceps Stretch

1-2min in the Bottom of the Squat

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Created by Brianna Borger © 2022

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