For Time: 100 Cal Bike
*EMOM: 5 Toes to Bar (beginning at “go”)
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio of your choice, followed by…
:10 Hollow Hold - Alligator Roll - :10 Arch Hold
5 Burpees
Specific Warm Up
If you are doing this workout as written, you’ll need to pop on the air bike and get it going! Make sure you do at least a minute at a pretty hot pace to let your heart and lungs know what’s about to go down! If you are using a different cardio machine, the same thing applies!
If you are doing toes to bar, be sure to jump up and get a couple of hangs on the bar and a few short sets of hanging knee raises before attempting some Toes to Bar.
Workout of the Day
For Time: 100 Cal Bike
*EMOM: 5 Toes to Bar (beginning at “go”)
Workout Notes
The format for this workout is different from what we’ve done in the past. For this one, you’ll start a clock and immediately do 5 Toes-to-Bar, or whatever your modification of toes to bar will be. Then with the remainder of the minute, you’ll hop on the bike and pedal like mad. From then on, you will try to accumulate 100 calories on the air bike. However, at the top of every minute, you’ll need to stop biking and complete 5 Toes-to-Bar before you can continue biking. The workout ends when you get to 100 calories!
Air Bike Modifications
An All-Out 100 Calorie Air Bike should take around 9-10min. Use that as your guide for this workout. For example, you could just decide to make it a TIME-PRIORITY workout and do…
Every Minute for 10min
5 Toes to Bar
Max Bike
This version works with all cardio options! If you are looking for some equivalents on other devices…
4000m C2 Bike
1 Mile Run
2000m Row
100 Burpees
500 Jumping Jacks
250 Single Unders
If you are looking for an at-home option, choose anywhere between 1-10 cardio exercises that you like and rotate through them each round! For example:
Round 1: 5 TTB + Max Jumping Jacks
Round 2: 5 TTB + Max Burpees
Round 3: 5 TTB + Max Bicycle Crunches
Round 4: 5 TTB + Max High Knees
Toes-to-Bar Modifications
Anytime Toes-to-Bar are programmed, it would be ideal to do something from a hanging position. In the Toes-to-Bar video, there are many options! However, if that is impossible for you, go with any ground ab movement that you like: Sit Ups, V-Ups, Crunches, etc.
If your body doesn’t like folding movements, swap out each set of Toes-to-Bar for :15 of the hardest plank variations you can manage!
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 10-15 reps of a Negative Push Up. Whether you are on your toes, knees, or on an angle, try to perform a negative that is controlled and smooth for somewhere between five and ten seconds. Don’t let your elbows flare out or your face reach for the ground or your shoulders shrug into your ears!
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches
1-2min of Saddle Pose
1-2min of Child’s Pose