100 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
100 Sit-Ups
100 Squats
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio, followed by…
5 World’s Greatest Stretch on Each Leg
3 Inchworms with a Push Up
5 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows Each Arm
:15 Hollow Hold - Alligator Roll - :15 Arch Hold
25 Jumping Jacks or 50 Jump Rope
Specific Warm Up
This workout is a doozy! Go through each movement, heat it up, and get after it!
Workout of the Day
100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats
Workout Notes
This workout is very high volume! The rep count and movements will definitely not be right for everyone, so don’t force it! Remember, biting off more than you can chew means that, at best, you missed the mark on what this workout was supposed to be. At worst, you will be injured and unable to train!
The format of this workout dictates that you must do all 100 pull ups before moving on to the 100 push ups and you must complete those before moving on to the rest. This is brutal and it means that you have to be very strategic about taking breaks! If you do too many of one movement in a row, you will reach what we call “muscular failure” which will mean that you… just can’t do another one. Obviously, that will screw up your workout! Try to always make sure you stop your set BEFORE hitting failure. Short, controlled bursts!
The first recommendation I have is to bring these numbers down! Now maybe you are very weak at push ups but can do sit ups all day. That’s great! Maybe you shoot for 20 push ups but you keep the 100 sit ups. Mix and match in whatever way is going to give you the best challenge! This workout should be somewhere in the 10-20min range and it should give you a huge muscle pump!
Pull Up Modifications
If you don’t have a way to approximate pull ups (pulling vertically,) the best option is to do Bodyweight Rows with your rings/TRX situation. However, any pulling will do, so feel free to get creative!
Push Ups Modifications
Whether you are on your toes, knees, or have hands on your kitchen counter, everyone should be able to find a lateral press that works for today. However, you can feel free to sub in any press that works for you and your bod, like overhead pressing, dips, bench presses, or a Floor Press. Make it your own!
Sit Up Modifications
Sit ups aren’t for everyone! If you aren’t able to pull off some kind of crunching motion like Sit ups or V-Ups, let’s shoot to accumulate up to 3min in a Front Plank as a substitution.
Squat Modifications
I hope everyone can find a squat variation that works for them, but if the squat isn’t in the cards for you today, you can swap in any lower body dominant movement. That could be Step Ups, Lunges, Deadlifts, Kettlebell Swings, Power Jumps or even Glute Bridges. Just be careful not to overload your back too much if you deadlift hard yesterday!
Optional Accessory Work
None today. This workout is a beast!
Cool Down
1-2min of Chest Stretches
1-2min of PVC T-Spine Stretch
However long you want of Legs Up The Wall!