20 - 15 - 10 - 5
Squat Cleans
Bodyweight Rows
General Warm Up
Hit the full Joint Rotations Warm Up, then, do 3-5 min of cardio to get warm. Follow that with...
5 PVC Overhead Squats (Hold at the bottom for a few seconds)
5-10 Sit Ups
5-10 Glute Bridges
Specific Warm Up
Heading into this workout, you’ll need to get those squat cleans ready. They are the bulk of the work today! Check out the Squat Clean video and decide which variation (bar, single or double dumbbells, single or double kettlebells) you are going to use and work your way up to a working weight for the day! Be sure that whatever weight you choose allows you to get at least 10 Reps in a row without taking a break. That means that your set of 20 will have to be broken up!
Find a similar level of difficulty for your Bodyweight Rows. Ideally, you could not make it through the 20 unbroken, but you MIGHT be able to push through the 15 or the 10.
Practice some V-Ups and then it’s GO TIME!
Workout of the Day
20 - 15 - 10 - 5
Workout Notes
Most of the information needed for choosing weights and breaking up your sets is listed in the specific warm up. However, it’s worth noting the format of the workout for those who aren’t used to seeing it. This workout should be done FOR TIME, which means: as fast as you can. First, you’ll do 20 Squat Cleans, 20 Bodyweight Rows, and 20 V-Ups. Then you’ll do 15 of each, then 10 of each, then 5 of each. Then you’re done!
Squat Clean Modifications
The squat clean can be a hard movement to coordinate! It should be a doable motion for most bodies, but it may need to be broken into two parts. First, the clean: bring the weight from the ground to your shoulders. Then, the squat: do a squat to your fullest depth while keeping the weight on your shoulders and your elbows high. For this workout, if one of those parts of the movement isn’t happening, just do the other one! For example, if squatting is no good for you today, just do the clean part (known as the Power Clean.) If the clean part is no bueno, then just do squats, adding some weight, if possible. If neither is a good idea for you, try Kettlebell Swings instead!
Bodyweight Row Modifications
As per usual with our “pulling” movements, any pulling will do! Pull Ups, Bodyweight Rows, Bent Over Rows, or get creative with cables, bands, or your body weight. As long as you are pulling something towards yourself or pulling yourself towards something, you’re good!
V-Up Modifications
Any ab movement fits in fine here. It could be as advanced as Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Raises, or as simple as Sit Ups or your favorite crunching motion. If flexing the spine is no good for you today, hold a Plank for descending amounts of time as the workout goes along. Maybe something like :60, :55, :50, :45, :40, :35
Optional Accessory Work
Accumulate 2:00 in the Inversion of your choice.
Accumulate 1:00 - 2:00 in Arch Hold
Cool Down
1-2min in Couch Stretch on Each Leg
1-2min in Saddle Pose
1-2min in Child’s Pose