4 Rounds
12 Pistols
1:00 Around the World Plank
Immediately into…
4 Rounds
20 Box Jumps
:30 Hollow Rocks
General Warm Up
3-5min of Cardio, followed by…
10 Lunges
:15 Hollow Hold
50 Double Unders (or Single Unders or 25 Jumping Jacks)
Specific Warm Up
Begin by working your way through the Pistol video to find a version that works for you and your body. This is an incredibly hard movement so you may need to check the modifications section below to find a non-pistol movement. Regardless of whether you do them or not, you should spend at least 5min playing with the progressions in the video!
After you play with the Pistol squats for a bit, work on your Box Jumps!
Workout of the Day
4 Rounds
12 Pistols
Immediately into…
4 Rounds
20 Box Jumps
:30 Hollow Rocks
Workout Notes
This workout has two sections, but the whole thing should be done as fast as possible. This means that as soon as you finish the first 4 Rounds of Pistols and Planks, you would move directly into the next 4 Rounds of Box Jumps and Hollow Rocks.
The Pistols are written to be alternating for a total of 12 reps, which is 6 per leg.
The Planks and Hollow Rocks are meant to be accumulated time. This means if you are attempting a 1:00 Plank, but you only make it :30, you would take a break and then go back to the Plank until you’ve accumulated the full minute. Same goes for the Hollow Rocks.
Pistol Modifications
The Pistol Squat is one of the hardest movements ever! Be ready to modify the hell out of this one. Go through the video and play with the variations and see if you can find a version that works for you. If not, go with a Lunge Variation or a Split Squat Variation. If you are still working your way to single leg training, go with a Dumbbell Squat Variation or just the classic Air Squat!
Around the World Plank Modifications
The first modification decision here is whether or not to stick with the Around the World Plank at shorter intervals, or change the plank variation to something that you can hold for a minute. If you want to change the plank variation, try Plank Shoulder Taps or a standard Front Plank.
Box Jump Modifications
If you cannot do a box jump or don’t have the means to, swap in Power Jumps, Jump Squats, or Tuck Jumps. There are also some very doable, low-height variations in the Box Jump Video, so check that out too!
Hollow Rock Modifications
The hollow rock is a tough move to get right, so you may feel like holding a Hollow Hold (or a variation of a hollow hold) may be the better option. Of course, you can also add in a basic ab movement like a Sit Up or a V-Up instead
Optional Accessory Work
Tabata: Abs
*Insert your favorite Ab Movement! A tabata is 8 Rounds of :20 of work followed by :10 of rest.
Cool Down
1-2min in Samson Stretch on each leg
1-2min in Saddle Pose